1 expect the best Lemuel C. Stewart, Jr. Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth Information Technology Investment Board September 8, 2005 The Role of the IT Investment Board in the PPEA Review Process
2 expect the best PPEA = Two Tracks Infrastructure The hardware, networks and associated services and staff –Mainframe Computers, Servers and Desktops –Voice and Data Networks –Operating Systems, and Security –Help Desk Services –Data Center Facilities Enterprise Applications Those business processes and associated software applications that are used across state government –Human Resources Management –Financial Management –Accounting –Budgeting –Procurement –Others administrative and duplicative business processes
3 expect the best Different Tracks, Different Roles InfrastructureEnterprise Applications Business Owner IT Investment Board Business Owners Secretaries of Admin & Finance Program Management CIO and VITA Program Management Office of the Governor Role of IT Investment Board As business owner, responsible for project oversight, management, Comprehensive Agreement recommendations Role of IT Investment Board Responsible for oversight of IT portion, similar to any other major IT project in the portfolio
4 expect the best Enterprise Applications PPEA Timeline DateActivity August 22Detailed proposals received by Secretaries of Administration and Finance Sept. 23Enterprise Applications PPEA Steering Committee presents recommendation to Secretaries of Administration and Finance whether to commence formal negotiations Sept. 30Secy’s of Admin. and Fin. announce negotiation decision October 3If approved, negotiations begin Oct 17-21CIO and ITIB review of associated PPEA Major IT Project November 1Potential Comprehensive Agreement to Governor for review and approval
5 expect the best Infrastructure PPEA Timeline DateActivity Jan 2005Joint Due Diligence initiated April 29Proposal packages released to vendors Detailed proposal development June 20Detailed proposals received by VITA Highly collaborative, detailed review begins Aug 5Infrastructure PPEA Steering Committee develops recommendation based on input from wide range of stakeholders and subject matter experts Aug 10IT Investment Board approves Steering Committee recommendation to commence formal negotiations October 4IT Investment Board decision whether to recommend approval of Comprehensive Agreement by the Governor
6 expect the best PPEA Is Best Vehicle for Transformation Innovative Funding: PPEA provides access beyond biennial budget to substantial dollars required to recapitalize and revitalize Virginia’s IT infrastructure Flexible Approach: PPEA encourages private sector to bring innovative ideas and considerable expertise to benefit the Commonwealth Unique Partner: PPEA allows VITA to team with a partner who: –Will share the risk –Is committed to Virginia –Has successfully achieved transformation before –Possesses the capability to manage and serve the technology needs of an organization the size and scope of the Commonwealth