CBM Simulation Walter F.J. Müller, GSI CBM Simulation Week, May 10-14, 2004 Tasks and Concepts
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 2 CBM Signals Menu Open Charm D 0 - D ± Hidden Charm J/Ψ Multi-strange Baryons Ξ - Ω Vector Mesons ρ - ω K π K π π K e ν K π e ν e + e - μ + μ - hadronic semi- leptonic e + e - charged hadrons tracking vertexing h PID tracking vertexing h PID e PID tracking e PID tracking μ PID tracking vertexing h PID tracking e PID 'plug''kink' full luminosity (10 7 int/sec) neededreduced luminosity sufficient Trigger performance essential dedicated setup variant Analysis speed essential Trigger min. bias This meant D 0 → K - π + See also D 0 → K 0 s π + π -
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 3 Design Iterations Detector Design Signal Performance S/N ratio Trigger Performance Rejection ratio Physics Performance It is essential to start and coordinate these design iteration loops ! Many geometries...
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 4 Design Iterations (cont.) Detector Design Signal Performance S/N ratio Trigger Performance Rejection ratio Use subset of detectors Assume reduced performance Use full capability of the setup Simulate signal+background Simulate min. bias Simulate signal+background Simulate background Efficiency Rejection ratio Efficiency / Purity S/B ratio
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 5 CBM Signals: D – hadronic Open Charm D 0 - D ± Hidden Charm J/Ψ Multi-strange Baryons Ξ - Ω Vector Mesons ρ - ω K π K π π K e ν K π e ν e + e - μ + μ - e + e - charged hadrons tracking vertexing h PID tracking μ vertexing h PID e PID tracking e PID tracking μ PID tracking vertexing h PID tracking e PID 'plug''kink' dedicated setup variant Trigger: STS RPC (+TRD) ? Reconstruction: STS RPC (+TRD) RICH 2 Is h pid needed in trigger ? Is RICH2 needed for good y coverage ? Is h pid needed at all ? TRD needed for global tracking if h PID is needed
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 6 CBM Signals: D – semi-leptonic Open Charm D 0 - D ± Hidden Charm J/Ψ Multi-strange Baryons Ξ - Ω Vector Mesons ρ - ω K π K π π K e ν K π e ν e + e - μ + μ - e + e - charged hadrons tracking vertexing h PID tracking vertexing h PID e PID tracking e PID tracking μ PID tracking vertexing h PID tracking e PID 'plug''kink' dedicated setup variant Trigger: STS RICH or TRD Reconstruction: STS RICH RPC RICH or TRD for e PID Is h pid needed here ?
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 7 CBM Signals: J/Ψ – e ± channel Open Charm D 0 - D ± Hidden Charm J/Ψ Multi-strange Baryons Ξ - Ω Vector Mesons ρ - ω K π K π π K e ν K π e ν e + e - μ + μ - e + e - charged hadrons tracking vertexing h PID tracking vertexing h PID e PID tracking e PID tracking μ PID tracking vertexing h PID tracking e PID 'plug''kink' dedicated setup variant Trigger: TRD or STS + RICH or ECAL Reconstruction: STS RICH TRD ECAL TRD for e PID and momentum Is double/tripple e pid needed ? Is ECAL trigger possible ?
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 8 CBM Signals: J/Ψ – μ ± channel Open Charm D 0 - D ± Hidden Charm J/Ψ Multi-strange Baryons Ξ - Ω Vector Mesons ρ - ω K π K π π K e ν K π e ν e + e - μ + μ - e + e - charged hadrons tracking vertexing h PID tracking vertexing h PID e PID tracking e PID tracking μ PID tracking vertexing h PID tracking e PID 'plug''kink' dedicated setup variant NA60 like setup Can be part of CBM of setup is modular...
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 9 CBM Signals: J/Ψ – μ ± channel Open Charm D 0 - D ± Hidden Charm J/Ψ Multi-strange Baryons Ξ - Ω Vector Mesons ρ - ω K π K π π K e ν K π e ν e + e - μ + μ - e + e - charged hadrons tracking vertexing h PID tracking vertexing h PID e PID tracking e PID tracking μ PID tracking vertexing h PID tracking e PID 'plug''kink' dedicated setup variant Trigger: μ Filter STS + TRD Reconstruction: STS + TRD ECAL μ Filter Is π decay rejection needed ?
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 10 CBM Signals: Multi-strange Baryons Open Charm D 0 - D ± Hidden Charm J/Ψ Multi-strange Baryons Ξ - Ω Vector Mesons ρ - ω K π K π π K e ν K π e ν e + e - μ + μ - e + e - charged hadrons tracking vertexing h PID tracking vertexing h PID e PID tracking e PID tracking μ PID tracking vertexing h PID tracking e PID 'plug''kink' dedicated setup variant Are 7 STS planes enough for an acceptable efficiency ? Reconstruction: STS (RPC+TRD)
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 11 CBM Signals: low m Vector Mesons Open Charm D 0 - D ± Hidden Charm J/Ψ Multi-strange Baryons Ξ - Ω Vector Mesons ρ - ω K π K π π K e ν K π e ν e + e - μ + μ - e + e - charged hadrons tracking vertexing h PID tracking vertexing h PID e PID tracking e PID tracking μ PID tracking vertexing h PID tracking e PID 'plug''kink' dedicated setup variant Rejection of conversions Reconstruction: (target) STS RICH TRD ECAL How much e PID redundancy is really needed ? Segmented target
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 12 Full Simulation-Analysis Chain Event Generator Transport Digitizer Hit Finder Reconstruction Physics Analysis Simulation Analysis Determine particle properties at target vertex Transport particles through the detector material Determine detector response and FEE output values Determine physical space point parameters from detector hits Determine momentum vector and PID for all tracks Calculate physics observables Storage Levels SIM RAW EDS
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 13 Embedding Signal in "Background" Event Generator 1 Transport Digitizer Hit Finder Reconstruction Physics Analysis Simulation Analysis Linear Event Generator 2 Transport Merger Non-linear Storage Levels Pluto UrQMD SIM RAW Storage at SIM level is the most efficient strategy when digitizer are fast compared to transport EDS
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 14 Embedding Signal in "Background" Event Generator 1 Transport Digitizer Hit Finder Reconstruction Physics Analysis Simulation Analysis Linear Event Generator 2 Transport Merger Non-linear Storage Levels Pluto UrQMD SIM RAW Storage at SIM level is the most efficient strategy when digitizer are fast compared to transport Simulation Analysis EDS
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 15 Implementation – Concept Digitizer Hit Finder Reconstruction Merger POINT SIM RAW POINT DIGI HIT TRACK EDS Storage Levels Data Objects Tasks Input of a task is from storage or other task depending on storage strategy
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 16 Full FEE-Simulation Digitizer Hit Finder Reconstruction Merger POINT SIM RAW POINT DIGI HIT TRACK EDS Storage Levels FEE response FEE-RAW Event Association DIGI RAW DIGI
May 11, 2004 CBM Simulation - Tasks and Concepts, Walter F.J. Müller, GSI 17 Implementation – Current Practice Digitizer Reconstruction Merger POINT SIM POINT HIT TRACK Data Objects: provide standard interface between processing stages Tasks: Implement algorithms use standard interfaces Physics Analysis User - DST TRACK Input: some files from transport Output: your results tree