1 Thinking When using the internet on your personal time, what type of information do you search for the most? 2 Thinking Why would the video compare the way you should search for information online to the job of a detective? What type of connections does the video make in this comparison? 3 Web Search/Thinking Conduct a search for information about healthy eating. Identify two sites that might be useful and two sites that you would avoid. 4 Web Search Try a search for healthy eating with and without including “site:.gov” at the beginning of your search. What are the differences you see in your search results? 5 Thinking Indicate one way you will use the information from the video for a typical search you may conduct in the near future.
1 Thinking When using the internet on your personal time, what type of information do you search for the most? 2 Thinking Why would the video compare the way you should search for information online to the job of a detective? What type of connections does the video make in this comparison? 3 Web Search/Thinking Conduct a search for information about healthy eating. Identify two sites that might be useful and two sites that you would avoid. 4 Web Search Try a search for healthy eating with and without including “site:.gov” at the beginning of your search. What are the differences you see in your search results? 5 Thinking Indicate one way you will use the information from the video for a typical search you may conduct in the near future.
1 Thinking When using the internet on your personal time, what type of information do you search for the most? 2 Thinking Why would the video compare the way you should search for information online to the job of a detective? What type of connections does the video make in this comparison? 3 Web Search/Thinking Conduct a search for information about healthy eating. Identify two sites that might be useful and two sites that you would avoid. 4 Web Search Try a search for healthy eating with and without including “site:.gov” at the beginning of your search. What are the differences you see in your search results? 5 Thinking Indicate one way you will use the information from the video for a typical search you may conduct in the near future.
1 Thinking When using the internet on your personal time, what type of information do you search for the most? 2 Thinking Why would the video compare the way you should search for information online to the job of a detective? What type of connections does the video make in this comparison? 3 Web Search/Thinking Conduct a search for information about healthy eating. Identify two sites that might be useful and two sites that you would avoid. 4 Web Search Try a search for healthy eating with and without including “site:.gov” at the beginning of your search. What are the differences you see in your search results? 5 Thinking Indicate one way you will use the information from the video for a typical search you may conduct in the near future.
1 Thinking When using the internet on your personal time, what type of information do you search for the most? 2 Thinking Why would the video compare the way you should search for information online to the job of a detective? What type of connections does the video make in this comparison? 3 Web Search/Thinking Conduct a search for information about healthy eating. Identify two sites that might be useful and two sites that you would avoid. 4 Web Search Try a search for healthy eating with and without including “site:.gov” at the beginning of your search. What are the differences you see in your search results? 5 Thinking Indicate one way you will use the information from the video for a typical search you may conduct in the near future.
1 Thinking When using the internet on your personal time, what type of information do you search for the most? 2 Thinking Why would the video compare the way you should search for information online to the job of a detective? What type of connections does the video make in this comparison? 3 Web Search/Thinking Conduct a search for information about healthy eating. Identify two sites that might be useful and two sites that you would avoid. 4 Web Search Try a search for healthy eating with and without including “site:.gov” at the beginning of your search. What are the differences you see in your search results? 5 Thinking Indicate one way you will use the information from the video for a typical search you may conduct in the near future.
1 Thinking When using the internet on your personal time, what type of information do you search for the most? 2 Thinking Why would the video compare the way you should search for information online to the job of a detective? What type of connections does the video make in this comparison? 3 Web Search/T hinking Conduct a search for information about healthy eating. Identify two sites that might be useful and two sites that you would avoid. 4 Web Search Try a search for healthy eating with and without including “site:.gov” at the beginning of your search. What are the differences you see in your search results? 5 Thinking Indicate one way you will use the information from the video for a typical search you may conduct in the near future.