“There is no god but Allah” PART 1 “There is no god but Allah”
The first Condition: Knowledge “Know that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah”(47:19) Understand who Allah is- have background knowledge before saying shahadah e.g. Jews treat their god like a personal servant
The Second Condition: Certainty “Whoever bears witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah, and meets Allah having no doubt in this, then Allah will put him in paradise” Do NOT have any doubts of Allah's existence e.g. Unconscious of God, therefore miss prayers, etc.
The Third Condition: Sincerity Accept Islam for what it is, not what is gives (eg. Raise in pay, muslim women) Do what Allah commands Do it for Allah, not to impress others- shirk
The Fourth Condition: Truthfulness “Did people honestly think that they would be left alone to say 'We believe', and not be tested? Indeed I test those who came before them. Allah will know who are the truthful and who are the liars. (Quran: 29:2-3)
The fifth condition: Love The natural product of sincerity Love Alllah more than anyone or anything else. DO whatever Allah commands of us. Love him though he is unseen. Reflect on the blessings.
The Sixth Condition: Submission Consequence of true love Natural, when you love someone, you willingly do anything asked from them ^If you really love Him, you will do of all He asks of you
The Seventh Condition: Acceptance “It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option on their decision...” (33:36) Don't just do something because Allah said to, do it because its the right things to do Do not play with commands to suit you
The Eighth Condition: Disbelief Disbelieve in all that is worshipped besides Allah Negation and Affirmation Love, fear, hope, trust,etc.
“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” Part 2 “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”
The First Condition: Allah knows best “Allah knows best with whom to place His message...” (6:124) Questioning Allah's choice/neglecting
The Second Condition: Infallibility The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did mistakes. Those mistakes here ‘human’ mistakes though. All humans make mistakes. He did not make and ‘Prophetly’ errors however.
The Third Condition: Universality Islam is universal Muhammad (SAW) was the only Prophet send to all of humankind
The Fourth Condition: Completeness “O' Messenger! Convey whatever is revealed to you from your Lord. If you do not do so (in its entirety), you will not have conveyed His Message (at all)...” (5:67) We know everything Allah wanted us to know
The Fifth Condition: Finality “No Prophet will come after me”-Muhammad (SAW) Last Messenger, the seal of all Prophets Being the last Prophet, the message was preserved