Maryland The Old Line State Nolan Shay Teacher: Mrs.Walther
Nickname and Name The Old Line State Maryland got its name from Queen Marie Mr. Washington named Maryland ‘The Old Line State’
Bird Baltimore Oriole Lives in parts of Canada and America Eats flower nectar and fruit Lifespan is 11 years, seven months
Flower Black-eyed Susan Part of sunflower family Indians used flower for medical reasons Native to east of the Rockie Mountains
Famous People Frederick Douglass FFrederick Douglass was born a slave MMr. Douglass escaped slavehood and wrote a book HHis book supported many slaves
Places of Interest National Aquarium NNational Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland HHome to dolphins, sharks, rays, and more
Maryland Indians Indians Ojibwa, Piscataway, Nanticoke, Susquehannock are some tribes Used many different flowers and herbs Some tribes are extinct totally
References e_Oriole/id e_Oriole/id ass ass tional-acquarium-of-baltimore/ tional-acquarium-of-baltimore/ m/gallery/photo m/gallery/photo