Order of Operations
The order of operations is a set of rules to make sure that everyone will get the same answer when calculating a computation problem. P P arentheses
Do all operations inside parentheses first.
Order of Operations The order of operations is a set of rules to make sure that everyone will get the same answer when calculating a computation problem. E E xponents
(Powers) Roots Evaluate all exponents. E E xponents
Order of Operations The order of operations is a set of rules to make sure that everyone will get the same answer when calculating a computation problem. M D M ultiplication & D ivision
Multiply and M M ultiplication
divide, in order from left to right. D D ivision
Order of Operations The order of operations is a set of rules to make sure that everyone will get the same answer when calculating a computation problem. A S A ddition & S ubtraction
Add and A A ddition
subtract, in order from left to right. S S ubtraction
Order of Operations We can use the acronym PEMDAS to help us remember the correct order of operations.
Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5
Example #6