Career and Family Leadership: Self Concept Map Lesson: Self Concept What is self concept? What role does self concept play in someone’s life? Self concept map step one Self concept map step two Reflection
Career and Family Leadership: Self Concept Map Step One: Draw a head profile Title the drawing with name Fill the inside of the head with things you like about yourself Step Two: Self concept maps are passed around and the outside of the head is filled with things others like about that student. Step Three: Once students get their self concept maps back, they write a reflection about things they learned about themselves and how their self concept can impact their lives.
Career and Family Leadership: Self Concept Map Example:
Career and Family Leadership: Family Unit Students names are randomly picked to build their family units of two. The family units go through different stages in which careers, family roles, etc are taught in a real-life setting.
Career and Family Leadership: Family Unit Section One: High School/College 1. Career interest survey 2. Career research 3. College/Alternative route research 4. College/Alternative route pennant project
Career and Family Leadership: Family Unit
Section two: Financials Students analyze their financials and make decisions about housing, transportation, and everyday financials. Students are given scenarios in which their financials are either increased or decreased. The students make adjustments to their spending.
Career and Family Leadership: Family Unit Section Three: Families Students are given scenarios about increasing their families. The students then go through the decision making process to adjust roles, financials, etc.
Career and Family Leadership: Family Unit Section Four: Reflection Students reflect on the similarities and differences that this activity has to their actual family unit. Students also reflect on how they can apply this to their future, as well as to their lives now.