Monday 11/2 Warm-up Activity On the next blank front page, label it “Civil War video summaries”, you will watch one today & others later. On the back of that page, create a KWL chart for the Civil War. Write down 5 “knows”, 5 “I wonder about, want to know”, and of course leave the “learned” blank. This is the warm up today. Complete the KWL chart
Civil War What I knowWhat I wonder aboutWhat I learned
Video Summaries After the video, summarize it on your summary page Read p. 320 – 326, stopping at “Reactions in the North & South”. Answer questions 2 & 3, p. 328 in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper to turn in. Real homework. Come at lunch if you want to.
Civil War Vocab Define the vocabulary words (in your own words & shortened as much as possible) on the paper provided. Use the text starting on p. 322
Warm up 11/3/2015 Fighting broke out in ______________ as ____________________ were hoping to keep _______________ from spreading to that state.
Directions for Activity You are completing this with the person next to you Half of the class will read about the North, and the other half will read about the South. Read and fill in the chart as a team Tomorrow you will make a concept map of the information
If you are North, go to the North paper If you are South, go to the South paper Draw pictures to represent what life is like in your area. Label each category. Now… go to the other side and add to your chart with information you can figure out from the pictures
Warm up Weds 11/4/2015 On the back of Tuesday’s chart, write 3 sentences that compare and contrast 3 differences between the north and south. Glue it into your notebook, chart side DOWN.
Choose 1 of the 2 readings. Read the paragraphs. Circle any words you aren’t sure about the meaning. Write the answers on the card and then put it in your notebook. **Complete the brown Fugitive Slave Act reading for homework. It will be graded and turned in tomorrow!!
11/5/15 Why was Uncle Toms Cabin controversial?
11/6/15 Vocabulary Activity Divide a page in your notebook into 4’s Label each box with 1 of the following words – Missouri Compromise – Compromise of 1850 – Kansas-Nebraska Act – Popular Sovereignty – We will discuss each word, then you are drawing it.
The Missouri Compromise 1820 Missouri wanted to join the Union. This would upset the balance between slave and free states in Congress. Missouri Compromise reached – Missouri came in as slave and Maine came in as free. – Banned slavery in the northern part of the Louisiana Territory with Missouri’s border as the separation line
The Compromise of 1850 California applied for statehood as a free state. Would upset the balance of free and slave states in the congress. Agreed on the “1850 Compromise”
Compromise of 1850 cont. California admitted as a free state. Organized UT, TX, and NM into territories with the people choosing whether slave or free. Strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act. Abolished slave trade in Washington D.C.
Kansas-Nebraska Act Stephan Douglas wants to organize Kansas and Nebraska territories. Under Missouri Compromise, these territories should be free. Douglas proposed that Kansas and Nebraska should be able to choose for themselves. Repealed (cancel/undo) the Missouri Compromise.
Popular Sovereignty The people should decide for themselves. In this situation and time period, the people of the territories should decide whether they are free or slave.
Monday, October 21 st Warm-up What is one point of the Missouri Compromise? What is one point of the Compromise of 1850?
October 21 st, 2013 Warm-up Write 20 words about one of the topics you read about yesterday such as transportation, culture, or climate and geography. Count up the words after you are done and circle the word count.
Poster Activity You will need to go to a poster and write down the information for the region you did not study. You will have the remainder of the hour to do so.
The Kansas Nebraska Act Turn to Pg and read the section entitled “The Kansas Nebraska Act”. Answer these three questions on the next blank page in your notebook. 1.What was one issue that divided the north and the south? 2.Why did Steven Douglas purpose the Kansas Nebraska Act? 3.How did he get both sides to agree?
Bleeding Kansas Turn to Pg and read the section titled “The Struggle for Kansas.” Choose one option: 1.Draw a comic strip illustrating “the struggle for Kansas.” 2.Write an outline as if you were going to write a movie script or a script for a play. Include scene titles and summaries of what will happen in those scenes.
The Dred Scott Decision Turn to pg. 336 and read the court case of Scott v. Sandford (1857) Write as if you were a Supreme Court Justice and either support the decision or write a dissent (disagree) argument.