Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rockville, Maryland Pacific Northwest National Laboratory November 15-17, 2005 DICtionary Editor
Creating a DICtionary Metadata Formats for FRAMES-2 Related Datasets
Edit DICtionary Create New DICtionary Register Existing DICtionary Delete DICtionary
Provides a listing of all DICtionaries and their contents in a very nice, readable form. DICtionaries by Domain and for the System as a whole
5 Export to HTML Boundary Conditions CSTROutput DIC
Export to HTML CSTROutput DIC
7 DICtionary Features Grouping of Related Parameters Parameter Name (Conc) Description (dissolved concentration) Units (mg/L) Measure (mass/volume): used for sorting DICs Type (Float, Integer, String) Range (min & max) Self-Indexed Dimensions: # of indices plus any self-indexing Stochastic: available to be changed in a S/U analysis Key Variable (Chemical CASID): other parameters key off of this variable Preposition Indices: function of other parameters
8 The input values for the CSTR module Version: 0 Privilege: System Input Legend Column NameMeaning SSelf-Indexed DDimensional Size UUncertainty can apply (Stochastic) KIs the variable a key to others CName CSTROutput DICtionary
9 Note: Dimension of 2 DIC: CSTROutput Variable: Conc Units: “mg/L” Indices: Chemical Name Time Note: “Real”
10 Standard DICtionary Describing Concentration as a Function of Time and Location
11 Two Different Ways to Describe Concentration as a Function of Time for a CSTR
12 Meanings of Terms Key: A self-indexed parameter that is used predominately throughout the Domain, but one that is unique Keys: Chemical CASID, Location, Organism Name Not Keys: Time Self-Indexing: A parameter that something else is a function of Not Self Indexed: Concentration, which is a function of time and location Self-indexed: Time and location
TimePts are Self-Indexed
Add a New DICtionary to Boundary Conditions Choose “New Dictionary”, and name the DIC CSTRConcOutput
15 Add a New DICtionary to Boundary Conditions Choose “Edit Dictionary” or double click on the name of the DICtionary (CSTRConcOutput)
16 Add a New DICtionary to Boundary Conditions 1. Add Description 2. Add the parameters associated with the DICtionary
Add a New DICtionary to Boundary Conditions The output is represented by Time-varying Concentrations. Currently, not functional
Edit each variable, one at a time. Add a New DICtionary to Boundary Conditions
19 Add a New DICtionary to Boundary Conditions 1. Fill out the critical information for each parameter in the DIC 2. Add indices
Add a New DICtionary to Boundary Conditions Adding “Conc” Indices: 1. Chemical CASID 2. Time Points
Add a New DICtionary to Boundary Conditions Complete the “TimePts” Variable properties