George Penfold Regional Innovation Chair Selkirk College Boundary Economic Development Committee Greenwood B.C., October 14, 2008
Background on housing industry Background on population Background on housing stock. Census based needs assessment Roles in responding to needs?
$183 M (70% of total) in Residential Building Permits RDKB $97.7 M (53% of Total) Residential Permit Value in rural RDKB $13.7 M Residential in Boundary Municipal 2005 – 2007 Annual house maintenance Boundary Area - Estimate 1% = $18.8 M annually
Kootenay Development Region (East and West Kootenay) Total employed, all industries ('000) Construction Finance, insurance, real estate, leasing Business, building, support services Compared to: Manufacturing Forestry, fishing, mining, oil and gas RDKB Construction - 12% of all firms, Dec 2007
Assessed Developed Residential Property Value in Boundary Area (2008) - $1.883 B or approximately $147,000 per resident Largest “equity” base for many households Big contributor to basic quality of life, comfort and to “status” for many Homeowners contribute to lack of affordable inventory by “up scaling,” “gentrifying”, “home makeovers” Many homes used commercially – vacation rentals, B & B’s, suites, home based business, grow ops.
“Boomer” generation retiring. Creates housing demand for retired, semi retired “amenity migrants” West Kootenay Labour Force projected needs - 7,100 new and replacement workers 2006 to 2011 Competing demands generate increasing prices if supply is not adequate Average RDKB Occupied Dwelling value escalated more (51%) than average household income (14%), and rental rates (7.39%) to 2006
Total Occupied Dwellings Rented Occupied Dwellings % Rented 2006 % Rented Change Grand Forks1, %-4.65% Greenwood %-3.84% Midway %-13.80% RDKB “C” %-4.27% RDKB “D”1, %-4.94% RDKB “E”1, %-10.93% B.C.27.33%-3.84%
Average Dwelling Value 2006 Average Dwelling Value Increase (%) Median Household Income 2005 Median Household Income Change (%) Median Tenant Monthly Rent 2006 % Average Rent Payment Change Grand Forks$176,25149%$37,49914%$6231.2% Greenwood$110,54136%$32,43610%$7259.7% Midway$151,52617%$38,169-12%$ % RDKB “C”$240,67934%$42,498-3%$6013.3% RDKB “D”$290,496100%$45,18919%$6012.3% RDKB “E”$239,44346%$34,5004%$ %
PopulationYear Kettle Valley LHA Grand Forks LHA Total Population19963,7319,101 Total Population20013,6259,133 Total Population2006 3,6459,061 Projected Population20163,6479,057 Rural Population (58%)2006 2,3995,025 Village/City (42%)2006 1,2464,036
PopulationYear Kettle Valley LHA Grand Forks LHA 0-17 yrs %16.60% Projected %15.20% yrs %61.50% Projected %58.50% 65+ yrs %21.90% Projected %26.30%
Net International Net Interprovincial Net Intraprovincial BC42,75715,520 RDKB523101
Total Private Parcels13,23414,511 Non Resident34.7%44.8%
Property TypeShare of Titles 2001 Share of Titles 2008 SFD13%16% Acreage Dwelling18%21% Multi Family37%51% Agricultural15%22% Hotel/Resort82%83% Commercial32%38% Manufacturing53%77%
Census 2006In CommuteOut CommuteLive/Work Grand Forks1,365301,175 Greenwood Midway Kootenay Boundary C Kootenay Boundary D1,035 Kootenay Boundary E
Mobility2006 Pop. Same Address 1 year Ago (Age 1+) Same Address 5 years Ago (Age 5+) Area C1,4351, Area D3,1762,8002,095 Area E2,2341,9451,450 Grand Forks4,0363,2952,045 Greenwood Midway
Dwelling TypeBoundary AreaBC Total private dwellings occupied by usual residents (54.8% Rural) 5,4851,643,150 Single-detached houses 83.7%49.2% Multi Family 5.0%10% Apartments 4.6%38% Other dwellings (Mobile Homes) 6.0%2.8% Individuals/Families in supportive housing (units) 187
Location (2006 Census) Avg. Dwelling Value 2006 Avg. Household Income 2005 Avg. Dwelling Value 2006/ Avg. Household Income 2005 Grand Forks$176,251$38, Greenwood$110,541$46, Midway$151,526$53, Kootenay Boundary C$240,679$54, Kootenay Boundary D$290,496$51, Kootenay Boundary E$239,443$45, BC$418,703$67,6756.2
Location (LHA Census) % Total Households Spending 30% or more Proportion Rental of Total Grand Forks area21.4%36.2% Kettle Valley area22.3%22.4% Greater Trail Area17.0%46.2% Castlegar Area18.1%34.9% BC28.4%45.5%
One person Non-Family Lone-parent family Couple Family Without children Couple Family With children Grand Forks LHA (30%) Kettle Valley LHA (30%) Total Type1, ,1501,075 % of Type34.0%35.2%13.7%10.7%
Total Income (Tax filer 2005)Total Median Income Average Income Pre Tax Low Income Couple economic families 7,945$63,782$70, % Male lone-parent economic families 305$45,377$47, % Female lone-parent economic families 780$27,565$33, % Males 15 years and over not in economic families 2,395$27,751$32, % Females 15 years and over not in economic families 2,590$20,086$26, %
Following are possible categories of housing need: basic shelter (emergency, homeless) transition/care subsidized rental housing market rental housing non-market housing market housing
Different partners and roles depending on what is being considered: Local and/or Regional Government Provincial and Federal Government (BC Housing, CMHC) Local and/or Regional NGO’s/CBT Private Sector