Unit 2
POS: ADJ. Definition – wise, shroud S The sagacious student always gets A’s on the test because he is so smart. Synonyms: smart, judicious
POS: noun Definition – a loud out cry S There was a loud clamor at the baseball game when the player hit a homerun. Synonyms: loud cry, up roar, a yell
POS: ADJ. Definition – characterized by great knowledge, learned or scholarly S Leonardo DeVinchi was an erudite for his time. Synonyms: knowledgeable, brainy, educated
POS: verb Definition – to entertain lavishly or agreeably; delight S The comedian regaled the audience with humorous stories and jokes. Synonyms: amuse, throw a party, have fun, entertain, please
POS: noun Definition – strong desire, longing, or aim; ambition S The young girl’s aspiration is to go the college, and she wants to be a softball player for her school. Synonyms: aim, ambition, dream, endeavor, wish, yearning
POS: ADJ. Definition – having or exercising the power of easy, forceful, and appropriate speech S The man made an eloquent speech. Synonyms: having a skillful with with words, flowing, affecting, touching
POS: adj. Definition – uttered clearly in distinct syllables S The boy read the book aloud in an articulate manner because he had already read it. Synonyms: clearly, coherently spoken, eloquent
POS: verb Definition – to discourage or restrain from acting or proceeding S When I got a bad grade, my mom and dad deterred me from playing my PS4 and talking on my phone. Synonyms: avert, block, discourage, prevent, prohibit
POS: noun Definition – a personally offensive act or word S He took his son's desertion as a personal affront. Synonyms: an insult, abuse, obscenity
POS: verb Definition – to look or stare with sullen dislike, discontent, or anger S The teacher glowered at the students when they were not taking their notes properly. Synonyms: scowl, glare, gloom, look, stare
POS: adj. Definition – without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid S My aunt made soup, and it was so insipid that my little sister spit it right back out. Synonyms: dull, uninteresting, bland, inoffensive
POS: adj. Definition – humors S The class clown was the most waggish person in the class because of his funny jokes. Synonyms: funny, amusing, bubbly, jolly, merry
POS: adj. Definition – supernatural, unreal, fairy-like S Abbie Cadabby is fey because she casts spells to help people. Synonyms: elfin, magical, whimsical