MATHEMATICS BACKGROUND AND EARLY PERFORMANCE OF A SAMPLE OF FIRST YEAR CHEMISTRY STUDENTS Peter R. Johnston, Dianne J. Watters, Wendy A. Loughlin, Christopher L. Brown Presenting Author: Peter R Johnston School of Natural Sciences, Griffith University, Nathan, Brisbane, QLD 4111, Australia
Senior School Mathematics in Queensland Maths A - (basic) - financial mathematics, applied geometry and elementary statistics and probability. Maths B - (intermediate) - functions, periodic functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and their applications, derivatives and integrals, as well as applied statistical analysis. Maths C - (advanced) - vectors, matrices, groups, real and complex numbers, structures and patterns, periodic functions, calculus and dynamics. REF this and next 3 slides: Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority: 2014 data Summary Yr12 enrolment and certification; Subjects enrolments and levels of achievement
Enrolment Trends in Maths in QLD 9.5% 5% 36% 53% 21% 46% Students can concurrently enrol in more than one Maths, eg Maths B and C Enrolments have increased along with total Year 12 enrolments BUT………
Maths Trends in QLD 4 Units completed and OP eligible Cohort of students completing 4 units in Maths A, B or C has decreased as % of Total enrolments in Maths from 80% in 1995 to 74% in 2014 Students completing 4 units of Maths A, B or C has also decreased; less so for Maths C students (still 86%) 86% 82% 78% 77% 71% 87% Bonus rank schemes for Maths C in 2008
Maths Performance within Maths A, B and C 4 Units completed and OP eligible Maths C students who complete perform very strongly (65% with HA/VHA) Maths A students who complete perform average to strong (76 % with SA/HA)
Mathematics Pre-requisites for Science Programs in QLD (from QTAC Sciences section) As listed in the QTAC entry for 2015 Does not include double degrees, medical or veterinary sciences 43 Degrees Maths B 46% None 37%
Mathematics Pre-Assumed for Science Programs in QLD (from QTAC Sciences section) As listed in the QTAC entry for 2015 Does not include double degrees, medical or veterinary sciences 16 Degrees Total 7 Degrees with No Maths Pre-requisites or Prior assumed Maths A Maths A or B Maths B Maths B or C None
Who are our students? Semester 1 First Year Chemistry Course n = 455
The students in this study Chemistry 1 Total Cohort 455 students Chemistry 1 Questionnaire Cohort 57 students 14% total cohort 10-50% of degree program o Questionnaire (voluntary) o Week 4-5 semester o Run in Laboratory sessions o Diagnostic test o Week 2 semester o mathematical manipulation of chemistry problems o background chemistry knowledge
What is the mathematical background of our students?
Questionnaire Results – Qs 11 and 12
Questionnaire Results – Qs 13 and 14
Chemistry diagnostic quiz by maths prior knowledge based on admission criteria of program
Chemistry diagnostic quiz based on their prior mathematical and chemistry study.
On-line Maths Support for Chemistry during semester Maths Skills site was linked to their Chemistry Course site on the Learning Management System (Blackboard) Covered the following Topics – Positive and Negative Numbers – Exponents – Significant Figures – Scientific Notation – Algebra – Logarithms Each Topic had sections
Conclusions Students, irrespective of their background knowledge, strongly identified the importance of mathematical skills to their chemistry studies. The confidence level of students was an issue for concern. Students did not engage well with provided support for mathematical skill development Success in formative assessment in chemistry was enabled by a stronger mathematical background (Maths B, Maths B/C) in combination with chemistry prior knowledge. Success in summative assessment in chemistry was enabled by a stronger mathematical background (Maths B, Maths B/C) in combination with chemistry prior knowledge. Thank you Griffith University Grant for Learning and Teaching 2014 Ethics Approval: BPS/20/13/HREC