Fall Board 2012
Why do we report?
Reporting areas CSPs Arts Conservation Education Home Life International Outreach Public Issues Other Areas Leadership Public Relations Membership Fundraising Junior Special Project Programs Junior Editor
GFWC partnerships ARTS American Mural Project HOME LIFE Canine Companions Easter Seals Inside Knowledge National Osteoporosis Foundation INTERNATIONAL ISSUES Heifer International Operation Smile United Nations One Shot at Life UNICEF PUBLIC ISSUES Kettering Foundation Sew Much Comfort USO
GFWC Partnerships con’t: JUNIOR SPECIAL PROJECT – ONE VOICE FOR CHILDREN Emergency Medical Services for Children INMED partnerships for Children
Special project areas EDUCATION GFWC Florida State President’s Project – Schools and Scholarships PUBLIC ISSUES GFWC Signature Project – Domestic Violence and Protection JUNIOR SPECIAL PROJECT GFWC Florida Director of Junior Clubs Focus - Childhood Hunger
Deadlines Reports to JDDs for Review – January 8 th All Reports Due – January 15 th Nominations – February 15 th Other awards and nominations can be found the GFWC Florida and GFWC websites
Reporting changes Statistical Sheets ed to Club Presidents by October 15 th All reporting will be done on EXCEL Reports will only be accepted via Clubs will only have to send one mass Asking Clubs to submit to JDDs the week prior if they want help
Honor score Changes Simplified Will be ed to Club Presidents by October 15 th Although club are encouraged to put items in their report, if they do not and it can still be verified they will be awarded reports Honor Score will be on Statistical Spreadsheet Must be submitted with Statistical Forms by January 15 th
Corrections to Manual Reporting Manual Changes Reporting Divisions Under Public Issues Add Legislation and Policy Honor Score For Contributions should read 50 cents or more per member Contact List Under International Affairs add Robin Carvajal as Partnership Chairman:
Things to Remember Get started now. The earlier you begin collecting information the easier it will be. Projects need to be club projects. For example, things such as volunteering at your child’s school, reading to your children at night are great things to do, however these are not club projects. Writing a check to an organization should only be listed as 1 hour. Although all club members voted on the check being written, it did not take all members to write the check. State chairman will provide feedback to all the clubs regarding their reports after Convention..
When judging reports, chairman look at quality versus quantity. This means they are looking for projects with high member involvement and that are well described in the narratives. Avoid over reporting. Conservation is one of those areas that tends to be over reported. An example would be if 5 members drove from Tampa to Orlando together for a club or state level project, than the club would report 5 members and 2 hours collectively rather than in the past we have seen 5 members and 10 hours individually.
An example of the statistical form can be found on the GFWC Florida website. All forms needed for awards can be found on the GFWC Florida website. All deadlines will be strictly enforced. State chairmen are available to answer your questions. If you have a question regarding where a project should go, please contact the appropriate Chairman
Why do we volunteer?