PACIFIC PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAMME (PPDVP) Cam Ronald PPDVP Implementation Team New Zealand Police 40 th PICP Conference – Pohnpei, FSM – 24 August 2010
NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs – NZ Aid Programme Funds New Zealand Police – PPDVP with the Mandate of Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) To Strengthen pacific police services to respond effectively to reported cases of domestic violence From 2006 to 2011
5 yr programme ended June 2011 Baseline Surveys of 2006 refreshed 2010 Gender sensitivity issue identified Based on earlier PICP / HIV surveys Barriers to change cohort to be targeted SURVEY planned in 2012 Transition for 2011 – 2012 Ongoing business as usual Keeping the lights on, engine running! Programme evaluation completed August 2011 Futures
Evaluation Assessment Focus on Five Participating Countries IndicatorOutlineRating (1-6) Relevance (meets needs)Well aligned with other activities. Meets country needs 5 Effectiveness (what’s changed)DV units in place Staff trained. Strong relationships with NGOs and agencies 5 Sustainability (is more needed)Solid foundations in place High levels of country support Refresher and wider training needed DV unit staff changes create risk 4 Efficiency (Value for money)Delivered as planned and within budgets Mentor model is effective and efficient NZ Police contribution to ODA recognised 5 Monitoring (ongoing analysis)New process for Police Not effectively in place till Impact (Overall assessment of change) Not assessed at this stage Too early to determine impact n/a
Main Review Recommendations Further PPDVP activities required – for 5 years Goals focussed on policing NZAid, Ausaid and others focus on NGOs Assess and decide on wider scope (SGBV) Two levels Participating Other PICP members Stay closely aligned with NZPol ISG and AFP PPDP TAF and Small Grants Funds maintained
Potential Activities Continue to maintain, strengthen and broaden in five countries Support to all Pacific Police services Recognising and using skilled staffed Share data, examples – web site in place Potential for Micronesian / Guam initiative – example Extended Exchange Programme and Study Tours
Next steps process PICP endorsement for action August 2011 Country needs defined early 2012 Revised approach in delivery? Regional overlay developed PPDVP II design 2 nd qtr 2012 Negotiations with NZAid, NZ Police and PICP Identify and train NZ Police staff PPDVP II commences in July 2012
PICP Main Recommendations 1.Interim processes, evaluation & next steps process 2.Country and Regional needs analysis, S&GBV survey 3.Reaffirm S&GBV as a priority for PICP 4.Invite NZ Aid Programme, NZ Police and PICP Secretariat to work together to develop and deliver next stages
Pacific Prevention of Domestic Violence Programme (PPDVP) International Service Group – NZ Police HQ