Wednesday – November 5, 2014 Mr. Lombardi Aim: Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? Do Now: How have computers/robotics replaced people in certain professions? Explain and give examples.
The Agricultural Revolution leads to the Industrial Revolution New advances made in farming (seed drill, crop rotation, fertilizers). Less farmers needed/farmers lose their jobs. People moved to cities to work in factories (villages shrink). Increase in machinery/inventions; new jobs created (people were needed to operate the new machinery).
A Create 5 original questions for a test/quiz about the important concepts (include the answers). B Create a “Topic Collage” (including visuals, symbols, quotes, key terms, formulas, rules, turning points in history, leaders and their accomplishments, etc.) C Make a detailed outline of the key ideas in the lesson. D Create a set of five newspaper headlines representing key ideas (and explain why each one is important). E Draw three pictures (with captions/explanations) that illustrate three important ideas. F Find 10 to 15 important words or phrases in the reading. Group the terms and create your own Concept Map or graphic organizer to illustrate your understanding of the reading. G Create a top-ten list of things you should understand about the reading (and explain each one) HW #1: Choice Board Topics Due: TOMORROW, November 6
Activity Read the handout, The Beginnings of Industrialization. – Complete the graphic organizer on side 1. – Answer all three questions. – Write one sentence explaining the theme of the entire handout.
Why England? 1.Natural resources 2.Strong economy 3.Favorable geography 4.Large workforce
Natural Resources England has an abundance of iron and coal, which were extremely important for making factories.
Strong Economy England had an overseas empire, which gave them a lot of money. They used this money to make factories, railroads, and new inventions.
Favorable Geography England had many navigable rivers, which was useful for transporting goods inland. England had many ports and harbors, which made getting goods to and from other places easy.
Large workforce Many people were unemployed in England. – They were former farmers. They moved to the city to work in factories.
Activity 2 Examine all four documents on the handout, Why Did the Industrial Revolution Begin in England and answer each question. Complete the graphic organizer on the back.
Summary Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? – Do not make a list for your answer. Be specific, detailed, and analytical.
Critical Thinking Questions: 1.How did the industrial revolution begin? 2.Why was England and prime spot for industrialism to start? 3.How does England’s geography assist with industrialization? 4.Compare and contrast the system of production pre industrial revolution and post industrial revolution 5.How can we explain the importance of industrialism?
Regents Prep Regents Prep - Industrial Revolution