Draft Rolling Programme (RP) of NL-SK-MT (2016 - Mid 2017) Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Presentation for DG meeting in Luxembourg, 3.


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Presentation transcript:

Draft Rolling Programme (RP) of NL-SK-MT ( Mid 2017) Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations Presentation for DG meeting in Luxembourg, 3 & 4 December 2015 The Trio team NL-SK-MT

EUPAN RP December 2015 More interactive working methods and focus The 2 main areas of EUPAN complemented by other topics of Good Governance Mainly interactive: fewer plenary presentations, several rounds of workshops or roundtables Two national delegates and limited options ad hoc national experts Preparation i working-level meetings by development of thematic two-pagers Strategic issues discussed in DG meeting, based on two-pagers, partly of WL- meetings More organisational development; less technical (IT) issues  Not all areas have to be covered by each Presidency!  Experimenting and piloting with new methods, SP and RP!! New working methods introduced 2

EUPAN RP December 2015 Result oriented - Preparing two pagers on each topic (introducing the problem for discussion) - Drafting conclusions and concrete proposals for future to be decided in DG meeting - Results to be disseminated thoroughly to stakeholders interested/involved - Evaluation/assessment of the work carried out More result oriented 2

3 From MTP to Rolling Programme (RP) New form of Programming to ensure continuity and actuality MTP in transition to RP (NL, SK, MT) means:  Not ONE horizontal theme but more overall themes  Anticipating on a long term framework (Strategy Paper) with rolling programme defining short term priorities  By preliminary listing priorities and topics according to:  2 main domains of EUPAN = Innovative HR & Organizational Development + Service innovation & Delivery + Good Governance in general  Taking into account 7 S of McKinsey for organisations (organisational level of PA)  Specific models for specific areas, e.g. HR  Relation to EU policy areas (e.g. using and testing aspects of the EC toolbox)  Implementation of EUPAN renewal elements (e.g. SP, Handbook, website) EUPAN RP December 2015

The Rolling Programme Explaining the Rolling Programmes (RP)  The current MTP replaced by RP updated by successive EUPAN 5 MS (composed by leaving Presidency + current + 2 following + EC)  Each Presidency will have a 6-months long working programme (defining topics + activities)  Shall be based on the SP to be developed  Structure of RP: clear, concise, structured table format  The RP validated by the DGs  Continuity visible by adding next Presidency Programme to matrix of RP EUPAN RP December

5 Strategy Paper (pilot) Possible elements of a draft Strategy Paper (SP)  Designed for introducing strategic areas of EUPAN for period of 3 years (validated by DGs)  Main trends: global, Europe/European Union, Member States  Main challenges for the future of public administrations in EU (incl. EC)  Strategic Agenda of the EC: relevant parts for public administrations  Topical areas of focus for EUPAN for next three years, related to those for other networks  Specific topics of shared interest MSs identified for 1 st, 2 nd and third year for EUPAN to be inserted in the RP’s/Presidency Programmes  Process design and time-table for decision-making and evaluation of SP (current and next) EUPAN RP December 2015

7 Sources and models available for SP Sources  Evaluation of EUPAN  General studies on trends and impact for public  EUPAN studies on challenges for future of Public Administrations or PA in future  Strategic Policy Agenda’s on National and European level  PA reform programmes of MS  CSR’s in for PA reforms in European semester Structure to frame and select EUPAN topics  Topics falling within the 2 main areas of EUPAN: HR innovation & Organizational Development + Service Innovation & Delivery  Leaving open space for other topics of PA: Good Governance in general  7S Model of Mc Kinsey (for change)  Specific models for specific areas (HR, performance, input – output/outcome) EUPAN RP December 2015

8 How current MT of IT– LV – LUX fits in the preliminary SP/RP Overall themesGood Public AdministrationModern & Professional civil ServantsPA & services to satisfy citizens Relate to 7SShared Values & StrategyStructuresStyle, Staff & SkillsSystems AreasReforms & Results Organisational structure & change Culture & HRMSteering & LeadershipConditions & Relations Italy Enhancing institutional and administrative capacity in administrative reforms and the implementation of cohesion policies - Organization, learning and skills in civil service: mapping skills and strategic competencies - Enhancing institutional and administrative capacity in safeguarding labour relations vis-à- vis a public spending reduction scenario The development of quality management systems: the CAF for cohesion policies Latvia Future role of public administration and CoG, building a common understanding of efficient public administration - Needs and expectations of young generations (future labour market) - Needs of civil servants and how to retain the experts in public administration - Transformation of public administration to become an attractive employer Finding new ways of providing services and information to the general public and enterprises LuxembourgAgeing, migration and demographic change Results of EUPAN evaluation Trends in terms of needs of personnel and competencies in an innovative public administration: - job and competence planning, recruitment, mobility - statutory evolutions Service delivery in a multicultural environment – Managing diversity and multi -culture environments - New needs of services, intergenerational management - New forms of procedure, virtualization and collaborative production of services - Security policies and data protection in an environment of new forms of service delivery EUPAN RP December 2015

9 Draft RP of NL – SK – MT ( 2016 – Mid 2017) EUPAN RP December 2015 Main AreasGood governanceHR Innovation & Organizational Development (internal) Service Innovation & Delivery (external) Relate to 7SShared Values & StrategyStructuresStyle, Staff & SkillsSystems AreasReforms & ResultsOrganisational structure & changeCulture & HRMSteering & LeadershipConditions & Relations Netherlands Draft Strategy Paper -Performance, Trust and Integrity in PS -Reforms in central PA: how to make it happen? Organisation and coordination in central PA -Horizontal and vertical steering Sustainable employability in central PA Working longer: inclusion & variety in careers Cross border mobility & exchange (of CS) Top Public managers in central PA - Models TPM in MS compared - Leaders(hip) needed for future: Pilot Cross border development & (knowledge) exchange of SCS Open government - Dilemma’s for PA Slovakia Renewed Handbook Open government - Public participation in policy making - Evaluation of dialogue on public policies - Innovation in public procurement Optimisation of processes of PA - Strengthening analytical capacities in public administration (mapping, analysing and optimising processes) Well-being at work Acts (comparison of benefits with private sector) Collective agreements internal acts Performance evaluation of civil servants Periodicity, way of evaluation What is evaluated (performance, abilities, development of personal assumptions); Impact of evaluation Better services to citizens - Customer-oriented services: building one-stop shops - Digitisation: G2C - Open data Regulatory impact assessment analysis implementation CAF event Malta Renewed website? - Performing organisation and how goals can best translated into measurable results - Multiculturalism in PA (the challenges posed by HR mobility across Member States) - Effects of ageing workforce on PA: assessing the balance between workplace and workforce needs - Increasing employee motivation through support programmes/services - NPM and the extent to which delegation fosters transparency and ownership PA delivery for citizens and business - Services closer to citizens: one stop shops - Simplification of legislation

10 Thank you for your attention. We are looking forward to your comment and suggestions! The Trio team EUPAN RP December 2015