It’s a bird…It’s a Plane…No, it’s a Sphenoid - Articulates w/ every cranial bone - Joins cranial & facial bones - Protects the pituitary gland
Sinusitis Inflamation of sinus tissue Caused by bacteria or allergy
Uh Oh…..Better tell Jon I can’t make Lab this week!!!
Cervical Vertebrae – 1 st 7 Vertebrae
Thoracic Vertebrae (12)
5 Lumbar Vertebrae in humans
The Sacrum and Coccyx Coccyx Sacrum 5 fused vertebrae Blood vessels Nerves
Intervertebral Disk What type of cartilage?
Herniated Disks Swollen intervertebral disk pinches nerve Common in older individuals Some “Spring Chickens” suffer from this condition as well!
Spinal Abnormalities - Scoliosis Abnormality caused by disease or poor posture
1-7 True Ribs 8-12 False Ribs Floating Ribs