Chapter 6
Lesson 5
Do Now List the 5 main types of vertebrae- or as many as you can
Do Now Video: The Vertebral ColumnThe Vertebral Column
Vertebral Column Protects spinal cord Skull to pelvis ~33 bones 7 cervical (neck) C1: atlas C2: axis Occiput: articulates with atlas 12 thoracic (chest) 5 lumbar (low back) 5 fused sacral 3-5 fused coccyx (tailbone) 1 curve in the fetus Cervical curve forms 3-4 months after birth Curves provide support
Disorders of the Spine Kyphosis Lordosis Scoliosis When do these abnormalities occur? Where? What can be don’t to correct?
Intervertebral Disks Cartilage disks found between vertebral bones Prevent grinding Shock absorption Allow flexion/extension/lateral movements
Herniated Disk Slip or rupture of the cartilaginous disk Can press on the spinal nerves and cause pain Treatment: Repair Removal – vertebrae are fused together and provide substantially less range of motion
Vertebral Structures Vertebrae are small at the top of the spine Why? Vertebrae are larger at the bottom of the spine Why? Foramen: hole for the spinal cord to pass from the brain
In class assignment Vertebrae Worksheet
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Lesson 6
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Atlas and Axis 2 special cervical vertebrae C1 and C2 Atlas: supports and balances the head (nodding) Axis: allows shaking of the head (no) Odontoid process connects it to the atlas
Rib Cage Protective (heart/lungs) Flexible (breathing) 12 pairs (24 total) Connect to thoracic vertebrae “True ribs”: first 7 pairs which connect to the sternum by costal cartilage “False ribs”: 5 pairs which do not attach to the sternum
Sternum Breastbone 3 bones: 1. Manubrium (superior) ribs Body (Middle/largest) ribs Xiphoid (inferior/smallest) no ribs - attaches to diaphragm - separates thoracic and abdominal cavities - site for CPR
Pectoral Girdle: 2 clavicles 2 scapulae Upper Limb: 2 humerus 2 radius 2 ulna 14 carpals 28 phalanges Pelvic Girdle: 2 coxal bones Sacrum coccyx Lower Limb: 2 femur 2 tibia 2 fibula 14 tarsals 10 metatarsals 28 phalanges Appendicular Skeleton
In class assignment Thoracic Labeling Diagrams &alaid=ala _733424&showSelfStudyTree=true dent_view0/chapter7/labeling_exercises.html#