Project English Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 3. Is he tall or short? Section A Made by Chen Chaoxing Hello! Boys and girls! Welcome here!!~~~~


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Presentation transcript:

Project English Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 3. Is he tall or short? Section A Made by Chen Chaoxing Hello! Boys and girls! Welcome here!!~~~~

A: Who is this girl? B: She is He Jie. A: Does she have long hair? B: Yes, she does. A: Is she tall or short? B: She is short.

He Jie is short. She has long hair. He Jie is short with long hair.

A: Who is this girl? B: She is Li Yuchun. A: Does she have short black hair? B: Yes, she does. A: Does she have a long face? B: Yes, she does. A: Is she tall? B: Yes, she is.

Li Yuchun is tall. She has a long face. She has short black hair. Li Yuchun is tall with a long face and short black hair.

Yao Ming is tall. He has small eyes. Yao Ming is tall with small eyes.

A: Who is this man? B: He is Li Yong. A: Is he tall? B: Yes, he is. A: Does he have a long face? B: Yes, he does. man 男人

Li Yong is tall. He has a long face. Yi Yong is tall with a long face.

A: Who is this woman? B: She is Han Hong. A: Does she have a round face? B: Yes, she does. A: Is she tall or short? B: She is short. woman 妇女, 女人

Han Hong is short. She has a round face. Han Hong is short with a round face.

She is young. She has a round face and big eyes. She is young with a round face and big eyes.

1a Look, listen and say A: Do you know Paul? B: Yes, I do. A: Does he have a round face? B: Yes, he does. A: Is he tall (高的) or short? B: He is tall.

Paul is tall. He has a round face Paul is tall with a round face.with a round face.

Notes: with 介词短语在句中可做定语,放在一个名词 的后面,表示人或物的特征。例如: The girl with long hair is my sister. 那个长 头发的女孩是我的姐姐。 The man with a cap is my teacher. 那个戴着 帽子的人是我的老师。 short( 短的 ) long ( 长的 ) Short( 矮的 ) tall( 高的 )

1b Pair work Discuss the people in the pictures with your partner, using the words in the boxes. tall short young old Liu Wei is short. He has black hair. Liu Wei is short with black hair.

1b Pair work Discuss the people in the pictures with your partner, using the words in the boxes. tall short young old Rose is young. She has long legs. Rose is young with long legs.

Pair Work  A: Is this a truck ?  B: Yes, it is.

Pair Work  A: Is this a truck or a bus ?  B: It’s a truck.

Work alone Listen and mark the intonation. 1.A: Is this an apple ( ) or an orange1.A: Is this an apple ( ) or an orange?( ) B: It’s an apple.( ) 2.A: Is this a man ( ) or a woman?( ) B: It’s a man.( ) 3.A: Are these buses ( ) or trucks?( ) B: They’re buses.( )

Notes: Is this an apple or an orange? 是一个选择疑问句。提供两种 或两种以上的情况,问对方选择哪一种的疑问句叫做选择疑问句, 这种疑问句应该直接回答。而不用 yes 或 no 。这种疑问句的结构是: 一般疑问句 +or+ 一般疑问句。实际使用时,后面一个一般疑问句常 常省去和前面的一般疑问句相同的部分。用连词 or 连接并列成分。 朗读时, or 前面的用升调, or 后面的用降调。例如: “Is this a pen or (is this) a pencil?” “It’s a pen.” “ 这是支钢笔还是铅笔? ” “ 是支钢笔。 ” “Is she a teacher or (is she) a student?” “She’s a teacher.” “ 她是个老师还是学生? ” “ 她是个老师。 ”

Group work Discuss and fill in the blanks. Kangkang: Look! Is that a cat or a tiger? Michael: It’s a. Jane: No. I think it’s a. Michael: Yes, that’s right. Kangkang: What color is it? Michael: It’s and. Maria: Are those computers or TV sets? Kangkang: They are. Jane: No, they aren’t. They are. cat tiger yelloworange TV sets computers






New words: tall 高的 or 或者 ; 否则 young 年轻的 man men 男人 woman women 女人; 妇女 truck 卡车 cat 猫 tiger 老虎 think 认为 TV set 电视 computer 电脑 doctor 医生 nurse 护士

Homework  1.Recite part 1a.( 背诵第一部分)  2. Recite the new words.( 背诵生词)

That’s all for today. Thank you for joining us. Goodbye,everyone.