Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008
Evidence What typeofof does a serolog ist analyze? blood And other bodily fluids.. such as semen and saliva
technique Laboratory tests are conducted on the fluid, testing it’s Antigen and serum antibody reactions A main concern for a serologist is classifying whole blood’s “type” for it’s A-B-O identity A serologist is able drawl conclusions through a detailed inspection of the victim's spatter patterns The blood is then tested to determine if the sample is really blood, if it is human origin and the actual blood type For analyzing evidence
To become a Chief serologist one must go through specific schooling To achieve required educational levels Such as.. (the rarer of the two ) Ph. D M.D. Education Requirements
How he viewed life as a serologist Q&A: What’s your educational background? What’s your typical day like? Do you have any other jobs? What he would have to say about serology “I’m like any other person, I wake up, eat my breakfast and go to work. But My Work is a little bit more exciting than sitting in a cubical.” “No, I am passionate about what I do, and I couldn’t imagine doing anything but this.” Walter McCrone “I received my bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a PH.D in organic chemistry at Cornell University. I completed two years of post-doctoral work there”
Sites Used: s/media/detailed/iii_b_432.jpg sue5758/images/small/173a-1-thumb.gif serology/7a.jpg istockphoto_387439_blood_splat.jpg