SDMX IN DATA COLLECTION AND DATA DISSEMINATION Workshop on Statistical Data Collection, Washington DC, 29 April - 1 May 2015
Standard/initiative for exchange and dissemination of statistical data and metadata – Sponsored by 7 international organisations (BIS, ECB, Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UNSD, Worldbank) – ISO standard (since 2005, version 2.1 since 2013) – Has a permanent governance structure with statistical and technical working groups and an ownership group – Can be regarded as a partial GSIM implementation What is SDMX?
A few SDMX artefacts Concept Scheme of a Statistical Domain e.g. National Accounts Concept Scheme of a Statistical Domain e.g. National Accounts REF_AREA: Reference Area (e.g. country) TIME_PERIOD: Time Period … … ACCOUNTING_ENTRY: Accounting Entry EXPENDITURE: Expenditure by Functions of Gov. CL_AREA … CL_ACCOUNT_ENT RY CL_COFOG DSD: NA_MAIN
– Internationally agreed structures and code- sets for major statistical domains, which means that content will be widely understood without further co-ordination – Readily available tools, allowing a quick-start (registries, web-services, converters, a growing number of CSPA tools) – Easy (structural) validation – Open-readiness as a potential by-product Why SDMX?
CollectionDissemination/Reporting National Statistics Offices Creating a national data hub. especially useful for decentralised national statistical systems Designed for Reporting but it can be envisaged for dissemination as well; e.g NSOs using.Stat [SIS-CC] International Organisations Collection by IOs was the primary motive for the SDMX initiative Task Force for International Data Co-operation SDMX Uses The guidelines for representing a statistical domain in SDMX, or the DSD design guidelines can be also utilised for structuring data in internal production systems for easier integration of distant, loosely linked statistical areas.
IMF SDDS+: registry based, push mode, with notification, simple, multi-domain DSD Eurostat and ECB National Accounts and Balance of Payments: regulation supported, push mode, globally agreed pure DSDs, converter supported OECD STES: web-service based, pull mode, simple, multi-domain DSD Examples
SDMX Global Conference 2015 – Bangkok September – Registration is now open – Official site: news, the technical standard, guidelines, etc. SDMX LinkedIn Group – Unofficial news and discussion of SDMX work Contact: – Thank you