GSA’s Vendor and Customer Self Service (VCSS)
Background Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAAR) is a major COTS implementation initiative to modernize General Services Administration (GSA) billing, accounts receivable, and collection systems. This includes new web functionality available through Vendor and Customer Self Service (VCSS). BAAR will be implemented using a phased approach: Phase 1: Rent* & Fleet Phase 2: RWA, HOTD, Global Supply, Automotive Purchases, TMSS, SIFT, Real Property Disposal, Miscellaneous Manual Business Lines Phase 3: AAS, Expanded Services, Wide Area Network (WAN), Local Service, Telework, Claims, Outleases, Miscellaneous Manual Business Lines BAAR will introduce new terminology. For example: BOAC becomes Account Code. For additional information please visit the BAAR website: *Rent bills will still be available from ROW A1
Vendor and Customer Self Service Overview Vendor and Customer Self Service (VCSS) is a web application that allows users to quickly and efficiently access information concerning their accounts. VCSS provides a single location for GSA customers to do the following: View account information (e.g. outstanding balances, business line totals, statement information). Submit correspondence – correspondence is a message between a customer and GSA regarding your account or a specific payment, refund or statement. Submit a dispute request for a statement that you think might be in error. There are two types of registration: 1.When an account is registered in VCSS, it is referred to as a “VCSS account”. An account is identified using an “account code”, which you may know as your Billed Office Address Code (BOAC) or Agency Bureau (AB) Code from legacy systems. 2.Your individual user login to access VCSS is referred to as a “User ID”. Users may have access to one or more VCSS accounts. A2
GSA Launch Page Overview The GSA Launch Page is a GSA website that provides GSA customers a single location to do the following: Launch the VCSS website. Request a VCSS account registration. Request access to an existing VCSS account. Access GSA’s VCSS instructions and documentation. Access the GSA launch page by entering the following URL (web address) in your web browser: A3
Quick Reference for Important Facts Register a VCSS account (Segment 2) Request access to a VCSS account (Segment 2) Login to VCSS (Segment 3) Set up security questions to retrieve password (Segment 3) Access help (Segment 3) Learn the search limit (Segment 3) and (Segment 5) View a summary of your account (Segment 4) View and print statements (Segment 5) Dispute a statement (Segment 5) View a payment (Segment 6) View a refund (Segment 6) View account or statement correspondence (Segment 7) Create account or statement correspondence (Segment 7) Access an external application (Segment 8) A4
References Return to the GSA VCSS Launch Page to access other segments of the VCSS presentation: Segment 1: Introduction Segment 2: VCSS Account Registration & Requesting Access Segment 3: Basic Navigation Segment 4: Account Information Segment 5: Statement and Dispute Information Segment 6: Customer Payment Information Segment 7: Correspondence Information Segment 8: External Applications Information A5