Assignment of NTS Entry Capacity Transmission Workstream 02 July 2009
2 Background Historically NTS entry Capacity has been viewed as “one” product based on end of day entitlements Entitlements can be traded but there has never been a concept within the UNC of “Assigning” NTS Entry Capacity. Industry interest has been signalled via Transmission workstream & RG221 Assignment Workstream held 7th April 2009 – National Grid NTS requested minimum requirements to be provided to allow the process to move forward, Industry requested that National Grid NTS explore cost implications further & give consideration as to how the process can be moved forward.
3 Full Solution Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Full system solution including the following: Applicable from a future date On an enduring basis To cater for Full Assignment To cater for Partial Assignment Can be applied to all NTS Entry Capacity Assigned NTS Entry Capacity to be Tradable Assigned NTS Entry Capacity to be tracked within the Gemini system & feed through to all relevant processes i.e. Invoicing, neutrality etc Fully auditable
4 Limited solution ROM Solution limited to the following: Applicable from a future date On an enduring basis Full Assignment only Long Term NTS Entry Capacity only Assigned NTS Entry Capacity to feed through to all relevant processes i.e. Invoicing, neutrality etc Fully auditable
5 Timeframes/Costs Timescale range 9 months – 15 months9 months - 15 months Cost range£300k - £700k£155k - £355k Full solutionLimited solution
6 Next steps National Grid NTS and xoserve are willing to sit down with interested parties to discuss the details behind the ROMs that have been raised This discussion should lead to minimum set of requirements/business rules for a UNC modification Proposal