Schottky Summary of status and plans for YETS 15/16
Changes w.r.t. Run1 Frontend Guerilla amps (higher dynamic range) Narrowband (2 MHz) filter Installed fast (25 ns) gating Receiver Made it frequency adjustable Installed 60 GS/s scope and Spectrum analyser for debugging Software Redid all expert tools in Python Initial curve-fitting experiments (MD377)
B2V Schottky frontend (6) 2 MHz Cavity filter (5) Fast gate (4) Guerilla amp. (0) compensation path (1) Hybrid (2) Circulator (3) 100 MHz filter (7) Miteq amp. (8) Coax to alcove
Performance expected vs. achieved We found some unexpected `afterglow` signal coming from the pickup By gating on empty slots By scope measurements Only visible if compensation path is tuned and common-mode signal is well supressed Wakefields? Beampipe modes?
Delta Signal time domain bunch intensity = 1.2E11 No bunch in the pickup 800 us of ringing
Delta Signal frequency domain bunch intensity = 1.2E11
Possible improvements Fast (sub 25 ns) gating to cut the `afterglow` Need to move the gate further upstream, directly on the delta-output of the hybrid Trading sensitivity for the ability of faster gating Control signal: BOBR triggers a pulse generator Modification has been applied to B2V during this TS now waiting for beam to test it
Plans for YETS and 2016 Rebuild all 4 frontends for `sub 25 ns gating` and narrowband filtering Additional coax to alcove requested to view the gated signal on the scope (before filtering) Modify Fermilab receiver-boxes to remove a dynamic- range bottleneck