Interviewing Occupants, Questionnaire Development and Interpreting Results
The initial mold inspection is the most important part of the mold removal process. This is where a mold inspectors skill, knowledge & training come into play Interviewing Occupants, Questionnaire Development and Interpreting Results
Possible Questions Have you seen any visible mold growth? Have you noticed any odors or water accumulations (flooding, roof leaks, or condensation)? Have you/family members experienced any mold related symptoms? Where is the HVAC system located?
Sample Occupant Interview Form
Moisture Event Report Sample
Environmental Assessment 1.Visual Inspection 2.Measurement equipment 3.Bulk/Surface Sampling 4.Air Monitoring 5.Analysis of Environmental Samples
Understanding Lab Results Guidance for interperetation of mold laboratory test results; –The final mold interpretation should not be based solely on numbers! Information gathered from a walk-through investigation of the area is very significant, including sources of moisture or high humidity, and signs of visible mold growth. –When evaluating air samples, it is important to consider the type of concentration of fungi indoors, as compared to outdoors or a non-complaint area.
One must consider the indoor/outdoor fungal count ratio, the presence or absence of certain fungi indoors versus outdoors, the genus or species of predominant fungi indoors versus outdoors, and whether the fungi detected indoors are allergenic and or toxic. Understanding Lab Results
It is important to note that there are no governmental-issued numerical standards for mold interpretation. However, some environmental companies, industrial hygienists, and other IAQ professionals use the following arbitrary numbers for guidance in interpreting microbial survey results. Understanding Lab Results
Bio-aerosol (Air Samples) <250CFU/m3Low to Normal 250-1,000CFU/m3 Moderate to Borderline >1,000CFU/m3 Active Growth to Sporulation >5000CFU/m3 Very Active Growth to Sporulation
Swab Samples ND None Detected <10 Spores Rare Light >1,000 Heavy
Mold Analysis Report Wall Cavity