Drilling Data Down Triage to Success Beverly Rabil Associate Director of Instruction Franklin City Public Schools January 19, 2011
Triggers (Indicators that impact student success) Attendance Behavior Academics
What are the triggers? Attendance: 4 th absence Discipline: 4 th ISS Incident Discipline: 2 nd OSS Incident Academics: Benchmarks (1 or more failing) Academics: Grades (1 or more D or F) Interim/Grading Period
How We Tier to Address the Student’s Needs Tier One: Student triggers in one indicator: (attendance, behavior, academics) Tier Two: Student triggers in two indicators: (attendance, behavior, academics) Tier Three: Student triggers in all three indicators: attendance, behavior, academics. (We start here at the division level.)
Triage Requirements All Plans for each indicator much include specific details about who does what when. Who by name, when by date(s), what by specific corrective actions. Plans must include who monitors, how often, and what are the intended outcomes. Attendance: Specific Plans for each student involving building level and Central Office resources.
Triage Requirements Discipline: Must include type of incidents, where they occurred, and when they occurred. Academics: “I Can Do It!” sheets required for each subject updated weekly.
Triage “What” Examples Attendance meetings with appropriate staff Student Contracts: Attendance, Behavioral, Academic Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) After school tutorials During the day tutorials Parent/Guardian/Student conferences Home visits Further classroom differentiation using research-based strategies