T h e F r i d a y L e c t u r e Friday 23rd March 2012 Jingbian Senior Middle School
Do you know the names of these songs?
They are called National Anthems (A short piece of music that represents the country) The first song is the Chinese national anthem. In English, we call it ‘The March of the Volunteers’.
They are called National Anthems (A short piece of music that represents the country) The second song is the British national anthem. It is called ‘God Save The Queen’.
Why is the British national anthem called ‘God Save The Queen?’
It is because Britain is a Kingdom. Noun kingdom (plural kingdoms) A nation having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen.
In fact, Britain is a United Kingdom. Because the UK brings together four (historically different) countries: England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland
Her Majesty The Queen Queen Elizabeth II
Elizabeth II Born 1926, London, England. Her father, George VII, became King at the beginning of World War II. When he died in 1952, Elizabeth II became Queen.
Buckingham Palace
Royal Events Last year, in the UK, there was a Royal Wedding between Prince William and Catherine Middleton. It was a very famous event; many people travelled to London to see the procession. Prince William’s father is called Prince Charles – he is the heir apparent; the next king.
Royal Events This year, HM The Queen will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee. This means she has been on the throne for 60 years!
What does the Queen do? The Queen is the British Head of State. She hosts foreign diplomats visiting Britain, will give awards to successful Britons, will change the Government if it is not doing a good job, donate money to charities, and visit special events happening around the UK.
How do you become the King or Queen? The eldest child of the current monarch (King/Queen) is heir to the throne. Queen Elizabeth II is the current ruler. The next King will be Prince Charles, who is the Queen’s eldest son. The next King after that will be Prince William, Prince Charles’s oldest son.
Going back before Queen Elizabeth II… Elizabeth II’s father George VII ( ) ONLY BECAME King because his elder brother Edward VIII (1936) ABDICATED [stepped down]; he did this because he wanted to marry an American woman. This was just before World War II.
Tragedy in the British Royal Family Princess Diana Born Married Prince Charles Divorced Was killed in a car accident in Paris, France in She did a lot of charitable work, and was a very popular figure in the UK.
Any questions?