Project NETWORK HRSA Grant Award G02HP
Needs: 1)Behavioral health workers for Nebraska’s most vulnerable youth, especially in rural counties. 2)Current, strengths-based and evidence-based training for behavioral health workers.
Project Goal: To train masters-level social workers to work with children, adolescents and transition-age youth in Nebraska.
Traditional Practicum at GASSW Practicum Orientation: Review Practicum Survival Packet one semester prior to beginning Practicum Practicum Fair: Informally meet with agency representatives about Practicum opportunities during spring semester Practicum Advisement: Identify populations and agencies of interest one semester prior to beginning Practicum Student Interviews: Students interview at up to 2 agencies at one time one semester prior to beginning practicum Practicum Agreement Form: Contract between university and agency is signed and submitted one semester prior to beginning practicum Practicum Instructor Training: Any supervisors not previously trained are identified from the Practicum Agreement Form and are subsequently trained Practicum Begins: Practicum begins on the agreed upon start date
Additional Project NETWORK Process assignment and agreement packet completed starts practicum KEBSQ pre- test view the PP review of grant and take a quiz PP on DD and mental illness and quiz PP and quiz on self- care and boundaries Practice wise password assigned Practice wise training (15 hours a week for 4 weeks) 4 hour EBP training by PhD with quiz KEBSQ Post- Test