Conceptualization, Operationalization and Measurement Concepts, Levels of Measurement, and Measurement Validity.
Conceptualization vs Operationalization Conceptualization is the refinement and specification of abstract concepts. Operationalization is the development of specific research procedures that will result in empirical observations representing those concepts in the real world.
Conceptual and Operational Definitions Info 271B 3 Conceptual Definitions –Abstractions that facilitate understanding Operational Definitions –How to measure a conceptual variable
Aspects of Measurement Validity in Social Research Are we measuring what we intend to measure ? OR, Are we measuring the correct Concept ?
Conceptualization In Deductive research, conceptualization helps to translate portions of an abstract theory into specific variables that can be used in testable hypotheses. In Inductive research, conceptualization is an important part of the process used to make sense of related observations. Conceptualization is the process of specifying what we mean by a term. ( A clear, verbal specification of your variable (concept) so that others know what it is and can place cognitive borders around it.
Conceptualization Continued… If we hypothesized that lower social status in college students directly correlates to an increase in deviant behavior, then what exactly is Deviant Behavior ? (The conceptual DV we are measuring) - Deviant Behavior as: Causing physical harm, Talking out loud in class, Underage Drinking, etc, etc.
The Multi-Dimensions of Conceptual Definitions What is a Table ? What is a Car ? What is Religiosity ? –1. Ideological Dimension 3. Ritualistic Dimension –2. Experiential Dimension 4. Consequential Dimension –5. Intellectual Dimension * What about VS
What is happiness? What is taste? What is a household? What are experiences? etc……
Concepts in Research Conflicts in Measurement Validity 1. All concepts are Multi-Dimensional –What do we mean by social status? Lets do a study to see if there is a Direct relationship between Social Status of parents and Deviant Behavior in college students. Social Status PowerPrivilege Prestige Indicators O E I G R E A B R Income Possessions, Fashion, Teeth, Self-Report, Jewelry, etc. Process of Conceptualization And Operation- alization
Operationalization Variables such as intelligence, motivation, and academic achievement are concepts, constructs, or traits that cannot be observed directly. They should be stated in precise definitions that can be observed and measured. This process is called operationalization.
Operationalization Intelligence Trait or construct Scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Operational definition of intelligence operationalization
Operationalization In Social Research, there are Operations of Measurement. Operation: A procedure for identifying or indicating the value of cases on a variable. (Instructions) Operationalization: The process of specifying the operations that will indicate the value of cases on a variable
Operationalization The Measure (Or observation scheme) The Application –Self administered questionnaire Male –Interview Face-to-face Phone Scoring/ Coding/ Scaling
Lets say we were to Operationalize the effects of “Sending Flowers and Get well cards” to a Patient, as a method of “Increasing Health.” Shorter hospital stays – Operationalized as “Days spent in the hospital” Normal heart rates and blood pressures – Operationalized in “Beats per minute” and “Diastolic and systolic pressures”. Increased morale – Operationalized by asking patients a series of questions about their attitude, current outlook, emotions. How will we measure “Increasing Health”of Patients ?
Operational definition of a variable With students’ intelligence scores or TOEFL scores, we now have observable and quantifiable definitions of what the researcher means by the constructs of “intelligence” and “proficiency”. This is an operational definition of the variable.
Operationalization Info 271B 16 Concept: “Emotional State”
Measurement Info 271B How could we operationalize… –Age? –“Intelligence”? –How efficient is interface X? Status AGEINCOME
Important point! Operational definitions must be based upon a theory that is generally recognized as valid. For example, to operationalize the construct of “proficiency” we should construct a test based on an accepted theory or model of language proficiency.