Training Workshop on Development of Core Statistical indicators for ICTs Tunisian Experience in ICT indicators Collection. Tunisian presentation June 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Training Workshop on Development of Core Statistical indicators for ICTs Tunisian Experience in ICT indicators Collection. Tunisian presentation June 2005 JALLOULI Mohamed Amine Statistics and Data Analysis Engineer National Institute of Statistics

Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators 3. Ministry of Communication Technologies ICT indicators 4. Tunisian Agency of Internet ICT indicators 5. Principal realizations enhancing ICT access and use in Tunisia 6. Conclusions and perspectives

1. Introduction Enhancement of ICT in Tunisia represents one of the first objectives aimed by deciders in their development plans. The first factors which can help in making good decision in this field are reliable ICT statistics.  Establishment of a communicative organization between offices.

1. Introduction NIS Census MCT Customs MHETelecomCBT and SBT MEDIC NRE ASEEA TAI

1. Introduction Tunisian experience: 1- National Institute Of Statistics (NIS) 2- Ministry of Communication Technologies (MCT) 3- Tunisian Agency of Internet (TAI)

Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators 3. Ministry of Communication Technologies ICT indicators 4. Tunisian Agency of Internet ICT indicators 5. Principal realizations enhancing ICT access and use in Tunisia 6. Conclusions and perspectives

2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators NIS missions: collecting, treating, analysing and diffusing statistical data related to the social and economic field. Related surveys to ICT: 1- General Census of Population and Housing 2- Employment Survey

2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators Variables: Availability of fixed telephone line in households. Number of mobile cellular subscribers per a household. Availability of a computer in a household.

2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators Number of individuals using Internet by location: Home Work Place of education Public Internet access centre Others.

2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators Number of hours of individual use of Internet during the week 21/04/2004 to 27/04/2004 by location: Home Work Place of education Public Internet access centre Others. Availability of electricity Availability of solar energy Availability of radio, TV and parabolic antenna.

2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators (1) Infrastructure and access core indicators Fixed telephone line per 100 inhabitants Mobile cellular subscribers per 100 inhabitants Computers per 100 inhabitants Percentage of population covered by the mobile cellular telephony Radio sets per 100 inhabitants TV sets per 100 inhabitants Proportion of households that have at least one member who accesses Internet

2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators(2) Core indicators on access and use of ICTs by households and individuals Proportion of households with a radio Proportion of households with a TV Proportion of households with a parabolic antenna Proportion of households with a fixed line telephone Proportion of households with a mobile cellular telephone Proportion of households with a computer Proportion of individuals with Internet access by location home work place of education public Internet access centre others Proportion of households with Internet access at home

Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators 3. Ministry of Communication Technologies ICT indicators 4. Tunisian Agency of Internet ICT indicators 5. Principal realizations enhancing ICT access and use in Tunisia 6. Conclusions and perspectives

3. Ministry of Communication Technologies ICT indicators MCT goals: Development and modernization of the communication infrastructures by extending nets and introducing new technologies, Creation of an evolutive organisational platform to allow subcontracting to the private sector and thus the enhancement of the quality of services and the enterprise competitiveness, Making human resources valuable by reorganizing the university education and by founding a new system of continuous learning and recycling Development of international cooperation and partnership in the telecommunication field at national and international level.

3. Ministry of Communication Technologies ICT indicators ICT data collection of MCT: National Park of Computers Employment in ICT enterprises ICT enterprises Familiar PC Intensions of investment in ICT Qualification in computer sciences

3.1. National Park of Computers Source: Exterior Trade files. Variables: Number and value of imported ICT goods, Number and value of imported computers.

3.2. Employment in ICT enterprises Source: National Repertoire of Enterprises (NRE) (Created by NIS).  NRE is the result of joining 2 administrative files: National Fund of Social Security General Direction of Fiscal Control Variables: Number of ICT enterprises, Employment in ICT enterprises. Note: enterprises related to ICTs are selected according to their economic activities.

3.3. ICT enterprises Source: Annual Survey on Enterprises Economic Activities, (Realized by NIS) Exterior Trade files. Variables: Overturn of ICT enterprises, Exportation’s overturn of ICT enterprises. Note: enterprises related to ICTs are selected according to their economic activities.

3.4. Familiar PC Goal of the Familiar PC project: Enhance the ICT access and use among families with low incomings. Source: Administrative files of Central Bank of Tunisia, Solidarity Bank of Tunisia. Variables: Number of sales of Familiars PCs, Number of Familiar PC deliveries, Number of SBT approvals, Value of loans which are granted.

3.5. Intensions of investment in ICT Source: administrative files of “Agency of Industry promotion” Variables: Amounts of investment in ICTs, Employment to be created, Number of investment projects, Amounts of investment in software, Amounts of investment in services.

3.6. Qualification in computer sciences Source: administrative files of “Ministry of High Education ” Variables: Number of qualified students in computer sciences, Number of equivalences in computer sciences, Number of students in computer sciences, Number of teachers in computer sciences.

3.7. ICT indicators of MCT (1) Infrastructure and access core indicators Fixed telephone line per 100 inhabitants Mobile cellular subscribers per 100 inhabitants Computers per 100 inhabitants Percentage of population covered by the mobile cellular telephony Number of Publitels (Public pay phone) Number of public terminals (Publitel + Publitfax) Number of imported computers Total amount of computers products Numbers of computers at national level Number of Familiar PC sales Number of individuals with Internet access per 100 inhabitants Number of Internet subscribers per 100 inhabitants Number of web sites

3.7. ICT indicators of MCT (2) Core indicators on access and use of ICTs by households and individuals Proportion of individuals with a fixed line telephone Proportion of individuals with a mobile cellular telephone Proportion of individuals with a computer Proportion of individuals with Internet access at home Rate of computer penetration in households Rate of Internet penetration in households Number of individuals with Internet access Number of Internet subscribers Core ICT sector indicators on access and use of ICTs by businesses Proportion of ICT goods importations according the global importations Overturn of ICT enterprises Employment in ICT enterprises

Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators 3. Ministry of Communication Technologies ICT indicators 4. Tunisian Agency of Internet ICT indicators 5. Principal realizations enhancing ICT access and use in Tunisia 6. Conclusions and perspectives

4. Tunisian Agency of Internet ICT indicators Missions: Development of new applications and Internet services in Tunisia, Installation of national network (education network, health network, …), Management and registration of the “TN” domain names, Web hosting, Organisation of seminars and training on Internet technologies. Source: Its own administrative files.

4. Tunisian Agency of Internet ICT indicators

Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. National Institute of Statistics ICT indicators 3. Ministry of Communication Technologies ICT indicators 4. Tunisian Agency of Internet ICT indicators 5. Principal realizations enhancing ICT access and use in Tunisia 6. Conclusions and perspectives

5. Principal realizations enhancing ICT access and use in Tunisia Entry of private mobile telephony operator, Creation of “Elgazala Pole of Communication Technologies” hosting a number of multinational and national companies, related to the ICT sector, The creation of the “Technological Park of Communications” to support scientific and technologic researches and learning increased the number of qualified employees in the ICT field.

5. Principal realizations enhancing ICT access and use in Tunisia The presidential project of the “Familiar PC” started since 2001 enhanced the ICT access and use among families with low incoming. For example, the proportion of Familiar PCs in 2001 represents 30% of the imported computers. The creation of the “National Centre of Computers for Children” and 22 other “Regional Centres of Computers for Children” involved the education of children The Internet connectivity is being generalized by the creation of 5 private Internet Access Providers which increased the number Internet users from in 1999 to in January 2005.

6. Conclusions and perspectives Thanks to NIS surveys, GCPH, the administrative files of customs and those of the TAI, … most of the ICT indicators dealing with Individuals and households Infrastructure Are available. Those of Business are still few.  Some specific ICT surveys shall be done in the near future, specially in businesses.

Thank you for your attention…