W ELCOME. T ODAY Scripture Reading: Luke 10 : 25-37 Sermon: “The Parable of the Good Neighbour” Speaker: Rev Dr WJM Parker FOG Club resumes today TO THIS.


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Presentation transcript:


T ODAY Scripture Reading: Luke 10 : Sermon: “The Parable of the Good Neighbour” Speaker: Rev Dr WJM Parker FOG Club resumes today TO THIS S ERVICE OF WORSHIP W ELCOME TO THIS S ERVICE OF WORSHIP

T ONIGHT 6:30pm Scripture Reading: Romans 12 : 3-8 Sermon: “True Worship” (Sermon 33 in the series “The Gospel of God”) Speaker: Mr Philip McClelland

M ONDAY 9:15-10:15am Mums in Touch Through Prayer in Room 1 2nd Antrim BB Company 6:30-7:30pm. P1-P4 Bruce Hall 6:30-8:00pm. P5-P7 Majury Hall 7:30-9:30pm. Year 8—Year 14 Dixon Room 7:00pm Congregational Prayer Meeting in Primary Room

T UESDAY 10:00am—1:00pm Craft Class in Dixon Room 10:00am-11:30am Community Bible Study “True Women 201, week 7— benevolence (Crèche provided)

T UESDAY 8:00pm OMF Prayer Meeting in Dixon Room—John & Emily Orme. John and Emily will be sharing about the work they will be involved in on their return to Japan and there will be an opportunity to catch up on and pray for the team working in the Philippines.

W EDNESDAY 10:00am– 12noon Tiny Tots in halls GB in the Halls 6:30pm – 7.30pm Mini & Explores 3-7 years 6.45pm – 9.00pm Juniors 8-10 years 7.30pm pm Seniors years 7.30pm – 9.30pm Brigadiers 14+ years All girls welcome

T HURSDAY 10:00am-12pm Chat ‘N Chew in halls 7:30pm Choir Practice in Primary Room

F RIDAY 8:00pm Youth Club in halls

10:00am Congregational Prayer Meeting in Dixon Room 11:00am Mr Philip McClelland 6:30pm Mr Michael Rutledge Elevation PM on 17 th Jan 2015 S UNDAY


If you would like people from this church to pray about something or someone you are concerned about put your request in the box at the front of the building. You can give as little or as much information as you wish. All requests are being prayed for and confidentiality kept. P RAYER P OINT

Rev Dr Parker will be on Sabbatical leave from Thursday this week until 25 February. If anyone requires pastoral care please contact your Elder or our Assistant Minister, Philip McClelland or our Deaconess, Rosemary Spiers. R EV D R P ARKER

NEW CITY CATECHISM printed copies of the catechism are available in the vestibules. N EW C ITY C ATECHISM

CHURCH ACCOUNTS today is the last Sunday for giving into the 2015 accounts. C HURCH A CCOUNTS

The Auditors will be in attendance in the Church Office on Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 January from 7pm to 8:30pm to receive the Accounts of the various Organisations for the year to 31 December Treasurers of the Organisations are reminded to bring with them bank statements for 2015 together with invoices, receipts and other supporting documentation. It is important to respect these dates so that deadlines can be met - thank you for your co-operation. A CCOUNTS

We are beginning to work on the next edition of the Woven magazine, if you have anything you would like to contribute, please pop in the boxes in the vestibules or pass on to Lynda Little or Esther Parker or W OVEN

SERVICE RECORDINGS During the month of January while the Philippines team are away there will be no CD’s available of the services. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, the Sound Team S ERVICE R ECORDINGS

This week may the Lord lead you to visit, phone or drop off a meal to someone who is lonely or sick. C ARE M INISTRY

Our Grow home groups will be starting again soon. They are for everyone of secondary school age and above. With the help of a Good Book Company guide we’re going to spend seven evenings studying the New Testament letter of James – a letter that shows us what authentic faith looks like in everyday life. The groups will meet in the evenings of the weeks beginning February 7 & 14, March 6 & 13, April 3 & 10, and May 1. G ROW G ROUPS

If you would like to join a group for the first time (you can choose one that meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays), please speak to Philip McClelland. An information card will follow soon. 2 Peter 3:18: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. G ROW G ROUPS

In 2015 we marked 70 years of Christian Aid. It is tragic that our organisation, which was established by the churches in the aftermath of the Second World War to provide aid to refugees in Europe, is responding to another refugee crisis 70 years later. While the world may have changed, the needs of people living in poverty have not and as our anniversary year draws to an end and 2016 begins, we remain as determined as ever to bring about an end to poverty and to address the inequality that exists across the globe. On behalf of the staff and volunteers at Christian Aid, I would like to wish you a very Blessed and Peaceful New Year. See announcements for further details C HRISTIAN A ID

This is a pastoral care training event to be held on Saturday 6 February, 9:30am—1pm in Ballynure Presbyterian Church for those involved in pastoral care. This is a free event organised by the Pastoral Care Committee, but preregistration is required by ringing or C HRIST C ENTRED C ARE


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