Knowing Jesus better, making Jesus better known Not knowing Jesus better Knowing Jesus worse Ignoring Jesus Making Buddha, Mohammed, Vishnu better known
Knowing Jesus better, making Jesus better known Teaching the word of God to help all ages grow in Christ Praying & Caring for everyone within our church community Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with our parish, our town and the world beyond
Knowing Jesus better, making Jesus better known Teaching the word of God to help all ages grow in Christ The church needs teachers, to grow in grace that produces good works.
Knowing Jesus better, making Jesus better known Praying & Caring for everyone within our church community
Praying v7
Loving v8
Being hospitable v9
By speaking By doing In God’s power To God’s glory Serving v10+11
Knowing Jesus better, making Jesus better known Praying & Caring for everyone within our church community Praying Loving Being hospitable Serving – by speaking, by doing That God may be glorified