I can’t wait until we learn about fake numbers!
The properties of real numbers help us simplify math expressions and help us better understand the concepts of algebra. wink! wink!
My math teacher is about as ancient as you can get. She’s like 37 years old and smells like a coffee machine! My math teacher is about as ancient as you can get. She’s like 37 years old and smells like a coffee machine!
a + b = b + a Example:7 + 3 = Two real numbers can be added in either order to achieve the same sum. Does this work with subtraction? Why or why not?
a x b = b x a Example:3 x 7 = 7 x 3 Two real numbers can be multiplied in either order to achieve the same product. Does this work with division? Why or why not?
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) Example: ( ) + 7 = 29 + (13 + 7) When three real numbers are added, it makes no difference which are added first. Notice how adding the first makes completing the problem easier mentally.
(a x b) x c = a x (b x c) Example: (6 x 4) x 5 = 6 x (4 x 5) When three real numbers are multiplied, it makes no difference which are multiplied first. Notice how multiplying the 4 and 5 first makes completing the problem easier.
a + 0 = a Example: = 9 The sum of zero and a real number equals the number itself. Memory note: When you add zero to a number, that number will always keep its identity.
a x 1 = a Example: 8 x 1 = 8 The product of one and a number equals the number itself. Memory note: When you multiply any number by one, that number will keep its identity.
TIME OUT!!! My brain’s about to explode with all of this crazy property junk! My brain’s about to explode with all of this crazy property junk! Wow! That hurts! Wow!
a(b + c) = ab + ac ora(b – c) = ab – ac Example: 2(3 + 4) = (2 x 3) + (2 x 4) or 2(3 - 4) = (2 x 3) - (2 x 4) Distributive Property is the sum or difference of two expanded products.
a + (-a) = 0 Example:3 + (-3) = 0 The sum of a real number and its opposite is zero.
Go forth and use them wisely! Use them confidently! And use them well, my friends! Sparky’s fixin’ to become one with a triple decker, chili- fire bean burrito! Sparky’s fixin’ to become one with a triple decker, chili- fire bean burrito!