MHHSE Library Year-End Report
Library Goals Increase checkout of print materials by students. Students checked out 918 more books this year. (2, / 1, )
Increase confidence and competence of students as independent users of the library Library Goals 1,095 more individual visits this year! 4, / 3,
Increase communication between LMS & teachers regarding library use to improve planning of activities Library Goals Discussed purpose of library visit, needs regarding library instruction, print & electronic materials, printing, special situations, etc. about a week before each class arrived
131 fewer classes visited the library compared with last year. 435 Total classes versus 566 total classes Class Visits
Classes in Library Classes in 111 Lab 40+ Classes in lab each month after Jan. 09 Lab booked 225 class periods Jan. – Apr. 09
Increase awareness of library programs in the school and wider community Library Goals Communicated frequently with author of Hurricane Watch, Teresa Ayers, and Hurricane school newspaper Library featured in 6 of the 8 issues of Hurricane.
Attempted to survey staff & students using SurveyMonkey survey link on main library page… 20 students and 16 teachers submitted valid responses Not a valid measure of current opinions & evaluations of library program, services, & facility. Maybe next year…
Increase funding for purchase of library materials and equipment Library Goals Received $4, from HCBOE for in 2 installments (9/08 & 12/08) Added 523 books & 29 AV materials = $10, value!
Dollar General Youth Literacy Grant October 08 - $1, high-interest / low-level fiction and nonfiction titles special ed / resource students reluctant readers ELL students
We the People Bookshelf Picturing America April 09 ALA & NEH 22 fiction & nonfiction titles Over $500 value!
Hats On For Reading! Used book sale Video Game Tournament Total funds raised $362
donated $477 for purchase of Holocaust & German language materials – 25 print and AV items! donated $1366 worth of print materials on Tennessee and the Civil War – 51 titles! German Society Mrs. Joe Tilson $2,575 worth of materials donated from various other sources
HCEA Reuse Your Dues Grant $200 for Audiobooks To be purchased this fall…
Also coming this fall… Total value = $ From Allison, Bev, madelon, Dawne, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Anonymous Donors at EIKI LC-XA20 XGA 2000 Lumens LCD Projector
Evaluate the book collection to target areas to weed out-dated material and areas to increase holdings Library Goals According to Follett analysis 08/14/08 – all sections at least 70% Aged (older than 15 years) according to copyright date Weeded 900s (History & Geography) during shift & 300s (Social Sciences)
Discarded 118 volumes from 300s – avg copyright 1959 Added 49 Books & 4 DVDs in 300s – avg copyright 2004 Discarded 154 volumes from 900s – avg copyright 1955 Added 78 books & 7 AV materials in 900s – AVG copyright 1995 (includes donations)
Library Goals Increase collaboration with classroom teachers Increase student & parent involvement in library programming Create parenting resources collection Weed out of date titles & increase holdings in 500s (Science & Math) and 600s (Arts, Sports, Technology)