RAH Day 41 Agenda Goal –To understand the social, economic and technological changes that occurred in the 90s. Pick up crossword puzzle for homework for.


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Presentation transcript:

RAH Day 41 Agenda Goal –To understand the social, economic and technological changes that occurred in the 90s. Pick up crossword puzzle for homework for Friday Complete p 9 about how foreign policy changed in the 1990s Review p 4 about how demographics changed in the 1990s Review p 3 about how life and technology changed in the 1990s Review from p 7 and 8 about global trade and it affects the US Questions from homework – answering all of the course review questions quiz

P3 - Technology and Modern Life 1.Communications – internet, , information “superhighway”, WWW, cell phones, fax, v-chip 1.Deregulation like the Telecommunications Act of 1996 allowed media companies to compete with each other across media – TV, could own radio, could do phones, long-distance, cable – resulting now in the competition by Verizon and Comcast for your TV, phone and internet dollars – the FCC auctioned off the airwaves to companies (i.e. cell phones) 2. Healthcare – MRI, CT scan PET scan, AIDS drug cocktails, FDA improved drug approval speed, much better prostheses, human genome project and genetic testing. 1.Also the new Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) type of insurance 4. Entertainment – DVDs, CD-ROM, CD, satellite TV, IMAX 5. Education – more computers, networking and data tracking, teleconferencing and online schools, digital libraries 3. Genetic engineering – GM or GE foods, conflict over these products. Therapies and stem cell issues

P3 - Technology and Modern Life 6. Transportation – better safety belts, airbags and global positioning systems (GPS), capable of better fuel efficiency, lots of SUVs 7. Space exploration – more shuttles, hubble space telescope, beginning of international space station and cooperation with Russians, Europe and the US and Japan 8. Environment – recycling picks up, lots of waste still produced, zero and low emission vehicles, cancers from acid rain, air quality still an issue, beginning of public awareness of global warming and climate change, still an issue of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.

P4 - Changing Face of America Urban Flight – the nation goes suburban 1.By ’90 half of all Americans lived in Suburbs 2.By ’85 14 out of 21 richest counties were suburban 3.By ’90 31 poorest areas were all urban Baby Boomers – the nation turns gray – turn from hippies to wall st 4.Average life expectancy goes up to about 79 5.By % of US will be over 65 6.From 1955 to 1995 the federal spending on the elderly went up to 1/3 of all federal spending Immigration – the nation looks different 7.45% of immigrants come from the Western Hemisphere – 30% from Asia million illegal immigrants live in US, by today est 12 million illegals 9.The ratio of whites to non-whites will shrink – currently 76.1% white (US Census Bureau)

P4 - Changing Face of America Urban1.Declining tax base in cities 2.Education poor in cities 3.Inequality in gov’t services between suburbs and cities Baby Boomers – getting older 1.Very big increases on social security system with more people going to be receiving money and fewer people putting into the system – soon only 2 contributors for every one recipient used to be 16 to 1 in 1950 Immigration – the nation looks different 1.Illegal immigrants 2.Need for low-paid farm workers 3.Terrorism fear increases a little – but becomes an issue in Demand for services for illegals – like hospital and education Education and technology 1.Linking schools to the internet 2.Easier ability to cheat

Clinton job approval Cable News Network, USA Today. CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll # : Microsoft/Parents/'Socially Responsible' [computer file]. 1st Roper Center for Public Opinion Research version. Lincoln, NE: Gallup Organization [producer], Storrs, CT: The Roper Center, University of Connecticut [distributor], 2001.

P9 - Foreign Policy After the Cold War Goal – 1.Stop WMDs 2.Stop aggression 3.Stop terrorism Goal – 1.Promote global trade Goal – 1.Spread human rights and democracy Pros Makes world safer Prevents human misery Helps trade Cons Hurts sovereignty of other countries Costs US money US may have to give up nukes of look like hypocrites Pros Makes world safer Prevents human misery Helps the poor Helps human rights Better ties to other countries Cons Hurts human rights, costs jobs Safety Exploitation abroad Environment Too inter- connected w/ other countries Pros Makes world safer Prevents human misery Helps trade Cons Could lead to wider conflict Costs US money US may look like hypocrites Too inter- connected w/ other countries terrorism

Al Qaeda Sunni Muslim global organization loosely led by: Osama Bin Laden – a younger son of a very wealthy Saudi Arabia family that is friends with the Bush family Operates out of Afghanistan and Pakistan Goal is to try to destroy Israel Destroy the global power of the US – including getting the US out of Saudi Arabia Spread Strict Islam to all of the Middle East – maybe even the world Method is to use terrorism like –World trade center bombing in 1993, –Attack on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 –2000 attack on USS Cole in Yemen –2001 attacks on 9/11 –Bombing of Madrid trains 2004 –London Subway 2005

Bush’s foreign & domestic ideas upon election 1.Be humble in foreign policy 2.No nation building, treat other nations with respect 3.“reform the UN” 4.Kyoto global warming protocol is flawed 5.Need to develop new anti-missile shield, need to break the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 6.Keep US troops at home, no new adventures like Clinton’s Somalia, Yugoslavia, and other misadventures At Home 1.Cut taxes 2.Limit size of federal government 3.Fix education 4.Compassionate conservatism - Help people through faith-based programs 5.Open federal lands to new oil drilling and weaken environmental protections for factories 6.Strengthen the power of the presidency 7.Create a new energy policy that would benefit business

Al Qaeda Sunni Muslim global organization loosely led by: Osama Bin Laden – a younger son of a very wealthy Saudi Arabia family that is friends with the Bush family Was trained by CIA operatives as one of the mujahedin in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion there Operates out of Afghanistan and Pakistan Goal is to try to destroy Israel Destroy the global power of the US – including getting the US out of Saudi Arabia Spread Strict Islam to all of the Middle East – maybe even the world Method is to use terrorism like –World trade center bombing in 1993, –Attack on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 –2000 attack on USS Cole in Yemen –2001 attacks on 9/11 –Bombing of Madrid trains 2004 –London Subway 2005

Bush’s foreign & domestic ideas after 9/11 1.Be bold in foreign policy to fight a “War on Terror” 2.Lots of nation building to spread “freedom and democracy” 3.Ignore the UN if necessary to “protect the Homeland” 4.(pulled out of Kyoto but this had nothing to do with 9/11) 5.Continue to develop new anti-missile shield because the Axis of Evil of Iran, Iraq and North Korea may attack at any time. 6.Attacked Afghanistan in October and invaded from November 2001 to the present 7.Beat the drums of war on Iraq to 1. Rid Iraq of WMDs, 2. Stop Iraq from spreading terrorism like 9/11 3. Give Iraqis freedom from the mean dictator – Congress approves use of force October Invaded and occupied Iraq March Captured many “terrorists” and imprisoned them in Guantanamo and other secret CIA-run prisons