Safeguarding Adults in the Tri-Borough Helen Banham - Strategic Lead Professional Standards and Safeguarding.


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Presentation transcript:

Safeguarding Adults in the Tri-Borough Helen Banham - Strategic Lead Professional Standards and Safeguarding

Safeguarding Adults in Tri-borough Accountable Compassionate Courageous

Outcomes for tri-borough adult safeguarding 1. People are aware of safeguarding and know what to do if they have a concern or need for help 2. People are able to report abuse and are listened to 3. Concerns about harm or abuse are properly investigated and people can say what they want to happen 4. People feel and are safer as a result of safeguarding action being taken (but being safe on its own is not enough) 5. The wider well-being of people is maintained or enhanced as a result of safeguarding activity Outcomes Developing Best Practice Developing Best Practice Community Engagement Measuring Effectiveness Safeguarding Adults Executive Board Case Review Group

How to raise a concern Safeguarding or for case advice: /5222/ /2919 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Authorisation Request Contact the DOLS Service: Andy Seymour and Gita Devi / rd Floor Glenthorne Road London W6 0LJ

LCAS provider seminar 5 th February 2014 Julie Dalphinis Safeguarding Adults Lead CWHHE Clinical Commissioning Groups

Adult safeguarding has acquired a high profile…..

Department of Health NHS England Clinical Commissioning Groups Care Quality Commission LA + Health & Well Being Boards Local Health Watch Health Watch Providers Monitor

CCGs and safeguarding Adults Use the safeguarding principles to ensure a consistent approach across all commissioners and providers Set safeguarding adults as a strategic objective when commissioning health care Use governance systems and processes for assurance to act on safeguarding concerns in services. Act on intelligence to prevent safeguarding incidents from occurring Work with the local Safeguarding Adults Boards, patients and community partners to create safeguards for patients Provide leadership to safeguard adults Ensure accountability and use learning within the service and the partnership to bring about improvement

The aims of safeguarding adults tool Accountability to review and benchmark safeguarding adults arrangements Provides assurance and accountability for the organisation and to their commissioners, Local Safeguarding Boards, partners and patients Identify evidence or gaps in provision that will be relevant in complying with CQC Essential Standards of Quality and Safety and the Equality Act

Sections Organisational accountability which shows commitment to: Importance of safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of adults at risk Workforce, culture and capability HR processes Partnerships & collaborative working information sharing Processes and procedures for prevention, creation and maintenance of safe working and living environments Outcomes for service users diversity