Prevent Fighting extremism Alison Woodcock Pastoral Director – Carmel College 16 th September 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Prevent Fighting extremism Alison Woodcock Pastoral Director – Carmel College 16 th September 2015

 ISIS – worst threat to date due to large nos involved  Intense social media propaganda  Targeting a younger audience (key age group)  Applying the duty proportionally to the risk Context

 Prevent is one of four work strands which make up the government‘s counter-terrorism strategy – CONTEST. The aim of CONTEST is to reduce the risk to the UK and its interests overseas from terrorism.  Pursue – focuses on detecting, investigating and disrupting terrorist threats to the UK and our interests overseas.  Protect – aims to reduce the vulnerability of the UK and UK interests overseas to terrorist attack. This includes aviation security for both cargo and passengers.  Prepare – aims to minimise the impact of any attack, manage any incidence of an ongoing attack and recover quickly and effectively  Prevent – aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism The Prevent Agenda

 All provider staff have a legal responsibility under the Prevent Duty to make sure that:  they have undertaken training in the Prevent Duty as identified by their leaders and managers including the principal  they are aware of when it is appropriate to refer concerns about students, learners or colleagues to the Prevent officer, usually the provider’s safeguarding officer  they exemplify British values of "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs" into their practice. What are our responsibilities?

 As part of the safeguarding and Prevent duty and Equality Act 2010, all staff and volunteers have a duty to demonstrate and help develop values which underpin an awareness of social & moral responsibility in modern Britain.  Institutions are expected to encourage students to respect other people with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.the Equality Act 2010 British Values - our duty

Don’t need an individual tutorial just evidence in lesson encourage students to vote is democracy Promoting British Values

 All staff and volunteers must report any concerns to the named staff responsible  This may include (not exhaustive):  Expressions of view which are discriminately against protected groups or individuals  Third party reports of complains about behaviour eg planning to travel abroad)  Possessing, accessing extremist material Staff concerns

 Must be conducted to look at:  Campus  Safety & welfare of staff and students  Events  External relationships Risk assessment

 Who should be involved:  Convene a group across the organisation  Partnerships eg police, local authority  Build in the external risk picture  Gap analysis  Audit existing policies and procedures specifically  Pastoral care and welfare referral  ICt – filters  Estates  Freedom of speech Risk assessment

 Channel is a voluntary programme to identify those at risk of being drawn into terrorism  Key factors:  Background factors  Influences and connections (draw in faster on line)  Groups to meet a young persons’ needs Channel

 Counter terrorism local profiles is a product that identified the threat and vulnerability for terrorism at a local level  LA chief executive it and asks who should be on readership  Is there a prevent steering group in your local area? CTLPs

 All FE and training staff, board members and volunteers need to be trained in the Prevent duty. How:  Nigel Lund – regional coordinator HE/FE visits  online-training-modules - all staff online-training-modules  tutorial-notes tutorial-notes  WRAP – workshop to raise awareness of prevent – free hour long training dvd  Merseyside police - visits Training

 Educational support  Programmes for teachers  Residential training for young people and teachers  Work with former extremists and survivors Foundation for Peace (Warrington)

 The Prevent duty itself will be introduced this autumn, subject to completing its progress through Parliament but Ofsted is already inspecting for compliance and will continue to do so  Prevent should be part of Safeguarding  Need to be working towards it Ofsted

1.Leadership & Governance – Prevent will be reported on to L&G principal needs to sign Prevent policy. Needs to know what to do in event of Prevent issue 2.Training – staff need training 3.External partners – do you know who your local prevent partners are eg policy, LA coordinator, FE coordinator and who to contact 4.Policies – need a self assessment, risk assessment and how to manage Prevent – can be put in Safeguarding policy 5.Curriculum – British values formal and informal, should be happening during the course of the day 6.Referral pathways – make yourself familiar with Channel Ofsted 6 strands

 Merseyside Police or  Nigel Lund – Regional FE/HE Coordinator What to do….