The use of volunteers in Dementia patients Lizzy Goad Psychology Coordinator Department of Clinical Psychology Salisbury District Hospital
How do we use volunteers? Volunteers are specially trained in helping people with dementia, cognitive impairment and communication difficulties. They receive monthly training and regular supervision. Currently running on all of the elderly care wards at SDH, in the process of expanding to every ward within the hospital.
How does it help? Improves cognitive and social stimulation. Research suggests this can decrease levels of anxiety and depression in an inpatient setting. Improves patient satisfaction. Increases self confidence, self worth and maintains or helps recreate patient identity.
What do they do? Time Listen Patient orientation Memory - Work through games Activities Social groups
A future for volunteers in Dementia care? For every patient with dementia to have access to regular volunteers who are trained to help Dementia patients with the problems they may face. Continue to meet the psychological needs of our patients and enhance their experience in hospital through the use of volunteers.
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