Palliative home care – can we improve quality by implementing shared care? Trine Brogaard, MD, PhD student Research Unit for General Practice Aarhus University
The next 10 minutes… Definition What is shared care good for and why do we need it? How? teamwork-mice.jpg
Definition: Shared care ”Shared care is the joint participation of general practitioners and hospital consultants in the planned delivery of care for patients with a chronic condition, informed by an enhanced information exchange over and above routine discharge and referral letters.” Hickman M, Drummond N, Grimshaw J. A taxonomy of shared care for chronic disease. J Public Health Med 1994;16(4):
Shared care – how? Consciousness about the professional needs of colleagues also caring for the patient Awareness of the fact that we are all colleagues who has to cooperate
Shared care – how? Joint effort to place the responsibility so that this is clear to patient, relatives and all health care professionals Create easy lines of communication between all professionals involved
Take home message Cooperation You don’t have to do it on your own Proactive, practical, holistic thinking Get it right the first time
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