Colera’s Dictionary Colera Dictionary
compassionate Com.pas.sion.ate (Kem-pash-net) Adj meaning: having or show Sentence : I am compassionate I have something show
obsession noun meaning a prolonged and disturbed concern with thought emotion, or impulse Sentence : Im so obsession because I lost my friend
lustrous Lus.trous (les tres)Adj meaning : having a high gloss or shine radiant in character or reputation Sentence: I have a shine or gloss to let it shine on me
exclusive Ex.clus.sive ( lks klu siv) meaning: excluding or inclined to exclude certain person or classes Sentence: The laptop was exclusive went I bought it.
respectably Re.spect.ably (spek-te-ble) adj meaning: worthy of respect sentence: I will respectlably talk
aestheticism Aes.thet.i.cism (sem-set-em) meaning: devotion to or phasis on beauty or the cultivation of the arts. Sentence: my beauty is my queen.