Vocabulary Bookmark Sarah Nicholas. What is vocabulary bookmark?  Vocabulary and comprehension strategy.  Students use context clues and other text.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Bookmark Sarah Nicholas

What is vocabulary bookmark?  Vocabulary and comprehension strategy.  Students use context clues and other text features to try to figure out the meaning of unknown words in the text.  Students write down their initial definition based on context clues and other text features.  Students find the dictionary definition and then they compare and contrast their definitions.  Vocabulary and comprehension strategy.  Students use context clues and other text features to try to figure out the meaning of unknown words in the text.  Students write down their initial definition based on context clues and other text features.  Students find the dictionary definition and then they compare and contrast their definitions.

Use your notecard to create a bookmark! On the top, write vocabulary bookmark Below that leave space to write a word Below that leave space to write a definition Below those spaces (should be most of the card) write paragraph: ______ On the top, write vocabulary bookmark Below that leave space to write a word Below that leave space to write a definition Below those spaces (should be most of the card) write paragraph: ______

Word assignments (write on bookmark)  1. Intricacies  2. Staggering  3. Repertoire  4. Myriad  5. Hindrance  6. Inevitable  1. Intricacies  2. Staggering  3. Repertoire  4. Myriad  5. Hindrance  6. Inevitable

Begin Reading Article  When you find your word in the article, pause your reading and write down the paragraph that you found the word in. Begin discussing with a partner what each of you thinks that the meaning of the word is. Write down a definition that you both agree on.  Continue reading article.  When you find your word in the article, pause your reading and write down the paragraph that you found the word in. Begin discussing with a partner what each of you thinks that the meaning of the word is. Write down a definition that you both agree on.  Continue reading article.

After Reading  Discuss and share definitions with class.  Discuss article.  Look up words on dictionary.com  Have students write definition on the back of the bookmark.  Students look for similarities and differences between the two definitions they have.  Share similarities and differences with class.  Discuss and share definitions with class.  Discuss article.  Look up words on dictionary.com  Have students write definition on the back of the bookmark.  Students look for similarities and differences between the two definitions they have.  Share similarities and differences with class.

Continuing the activity  Students can put their dictionary definition and word into a quizlet.com set. After each student has done this, all of the students in the class will be able to access this set to continue learning and studying the words that they learned about today.

Implementing this strategy  Can be used with any text topic.  Can be done as an “I’m done what do I do now?” activity.  Students can do this independently or in groups.  Words can be assigned or students can find them independently.  You could have students draw a picture that describes definition as well as write it.  New words could be added to a word wall.  Encourage new words to be used in writing, classroom talks, etc.  Can be used with any text topic.  Can be done as an “I’m done what do I do now?” activity.  Students can do this independently or in groups.  Words can be assigned or students can find them independently.  You could have students draw a picture that describes definition as well as write it.  New words could be added to a word wall.  Encourage new words to be used in writing, classroom talks, etc.