Critical Thinking From Written Outcomes to Classroom Practice
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Funded 3-year project entitled Building Capacity to Measure Essential Employability Skills 3 colleges and 3 universities participated in the project ca/OurPriorities/LearningOutcomes/Pages/Home.aspx (Learning Outcomes Consortium) ca/OurPriorities/LearningOutcomes/Pages/Home.aspx
Questions posed by the project What are the measurable elements of critical thinking relevant to a post-secondary education? Do our existing assessment tools allow us to measure critical thinking? Are students currently learning and demonstrating critical thinking skills in their coursework? Are students aware of their own critical thinking skills? What would be the elements of a generic assessment tool for critical thinking that could be adapted for use in any course in the College?
Phase 1 Concluded in June, Literature review was conducted. A volunteer group of College English (COMM) faculty identified and selected the relevant critical thinking constructs to be assessed. Together they developed a preliminary version of the marking rubric. Version 1 of the rubric was blind-tested and revised, based on results and discussion.
Phase II Concluded in June, Research team applied the critical thinking assessment constructs within the General Education/Liberal Studies environment. New faculty group consisted of 6 faculty teaching Gen Ed/Liberal Studies courses across the college in 3 areas (humanities, social sciences, science & technology). Curriculum, including teaching strategies and assessment practices, was modified to include CT constructs, with the help of a Curriculum Specialist.
Phase II Version 2 of the rubric was blind-tested and revised once again. Version 3 was blind-tested, and tweaked using information from focus group discussions. There were further curriculum changes made in selected General Education courses. Inaugural version of the CT Rubric and Teacher’s Handbook was completed.
Phase III Getting the word out… presenting at workshops within the college and outside. Encouraging teachers to use the rubric. Gathering information and strategies regarding how teachers are teaching and assessing the skills, and whether the rubric is helping with that.
Handbook and Rubric Thoughts? Questions?