Welcome to Willow Wood Junior High Sixth Grade Parent Night Willow Wood Junior High serves students through a culture that provides an innovative, personally rigorous and individually valuable education, reflective of community standards.
Administration Principal Bob Frost Assistant Principals Chad Stolle Debbie Yarotsky Counselors Barbara Frank Karla Robertson
TRANSITION Intermediate to Junior High 7 Period Day New Grading Standards and Procedures No Recess Dealing with Older Students Independence; More Responsibility Organization; Keeping a Schedule Bigger School: More Students
7 th Grade Schedule 7 Classes to include: 4 Core 1 Physical Education 1 Technology to include –1 semester Touch System –1 semester other course 1 Elective
Selecting Core Classes Regular Core Classes PAP (English, History) Accelerated (Math, Science) A combination of regular/PAP/Accelerated Consideration should be given to current grades and level of involvement in extra-curricular activities when selecting classes
PRE-AP ELA and Social Studies Initial Placement Criteria In order for students to qualify for enrollment in the Pre-AP ELA or SS courses, students must meet the following criteria: 85 or higher for yearly average in ELA course preceding year to qualify for ELA Pre-AP 85 or higher for yearly average in Social Studies course preceding year to qualify for SS Pre-AP OR Level III on STAAR ELA test the preceding year to qualify for ELA OR SS Pre-AP EXIT Students may ONLY exit at the end of the semester.
Pre-AP Requirements Language Arts- Students will have independent reading assignments each grading period and a summer reading assignment. The students work independently and at an accelerated pace. Texas History- Student guided projects throughout the year. To take PAP Texas History students must also qualify for PAP Language Arts. Organization skills are imperative for success in Pre-AP and accelerated classes
Pre-AP/Accelerated Math/Science Requirements Must be currently enrolled and passing in the advanced class. Math/Science: If not currently enrolled in the advanced class, students must go through a screening procedure at their current campus. Contact NIS or OIS Counselor for Information. Check WWJH website home page, under course selection information, for details throughout the Spring.
Accelerated Requirements Math –Accelerated Math can be taken without being enrolled in Accelerated Science. Compacted curriculum (1 ½ years) to prepare students for Algebra Science –Accelerated Science cannot be taken without being enrolled in Accelerated Math
Core Class Choices Please circle one choice in each column. Language Arts History MathScience ELA 1700 HST 3700 MTH 2700 SCI 4700 ** ELA 1730 PAP** HST 3730 PAP ** MTH 2730 ACC (prerequisite) **SCI 4730 ACC (prerequisite) ** See PAP/ Accelerated Criteria at (Schools-Willow Wood JH)
Physical Education (required) (1 Full Year) Physical Education Boys Athletics Girls Athletics Cross Country Dance I Leadership Officer Training Corp (LOTC) To participate in Athletics/Cross Country students must have a current UIL physical on file by the first day of school and after April 29, Physicals offered at TMHS & THS.
Physical Education
Please choose one Physical Education Class Physical Education (required)- Full Year ___PE 6960 Physical Education ___ATH 6700 BOY Boys Athletics ___ATH 6720 GRL Girls Athletics ___ATH 6900 CC Cross Country ___PE 6950 DNC1 Dance I ___PE 6940 LOTC Leadership Officer Training Corp Student 2 Physical Education
Two Career and Technology Courses Touch System Data Entry (required in 7 th grade and receives High School credit) Touch System Data Entry must be paired with one of the following CATE courses in 7 th grade 1. Business, Finance, and Marketing 2.Exploring Careers 3.Health and Human Services 4.Principles of Information Technology (high school credit)
__X___ * BUS 003 Touch System Data Entry (required in 7 th grade and receives High School credit) Touch System Data must be paired with one of the following courses. Please number your choices 1-4 in order of preference. __1___ CTE 8043 BFM Business Finance Marketing __4___ CTE 8033 CAR Exploring Careers __3___ CTE 8023 HHS Health and Human Services __2___ *CTE 8013 PIT Principles of Information Technology (required) * High School Credit Course
Electives Full Year Art Theater I Students are grouped according to ability for the following: Band Orchestra Choir - Boys Choir – Girls Half Year Crafts Creative Writing Exploring Languages Intro Spanish Yearbook
WWJH Fine Arts Theater Choir
WWJH Fine Arts Orchestra Band
WWJH Fine Arts Art
Elective Choices Directions: Number electives 1-5 with 1 being your first choice. Year Long ElectivesHalf Year Electives _____FA 7450 ART1 Art I_____EL 7493CRFTCrafts _____BND 7240 SYM Band _____EL 7583 CRWTCreative Writing _____ORC 7280 SIN Orchestra_____EL 7653 EXPLExploring Languages _____CHR 7350 BOY Choir- Boys _____EL 7693 SPANIntro Spanish _____CHR 7380 GRL Choir- Girls _____FA7550 THT1 Theater 1 _____ Yearbook ________________________ ______________ Student SignatureDate A course verification sheet indicating selected courses listed above will be sent home with your student on February 3 rd for parent review. Changes to your student’s course selections may be made at that time
After-School Tutoring Math, Science, Language Arts, History Before & After School; Each subject 2 times a week or more
Math or Reading Lab Intervention classes that students are enrolled in to improve math and reading performance on state assessment. Placement is by teacher recommendation and previous performance on state assessments.
Sample Schedules Student 1Student 2 1. Pre AP Language Arts 71. Health & Human Services 2.Touch System Data Entry2. Language Arts 7 3. Pre AP Texas History 73. Math 7 4. Dance I4. Boys Athletics 5. Accelerated Math 75. Texas History 7 6. Accelerated Science 76. Theatre I 7. Concert Band7. Science
Course Selection Timeline January 13th, WWJH Counselors at NIS for course selection. January 15th, WWJH Counselors at OIS for course selection.
Course Selection Timeline Course Verifications of selected classes (These are not schedules) February 3rd, verification sheets showing student course selections will be sent home with students for parent review. If any changes to your child’s course selections are needed, indicate the changes on the verification sheet and return it to NIS or OIS by February 11 th.
Thank you for coming. Willow Wood Junior High Home of the Wildcats