Progress Reporting in RPS PowerTeacher GradeBook January 2013
Poll Everywhere Thanks for agreeing to be a PowerTeacher! The support you give to teachers in your school is greatly appreciated. Please take two minutes to complete this poll either by texting or using the provided link. iple_choice_polls/MTg1NjIxOTM2OQ
Agenda Welcome - Poll Everywhere Progress Report Survey (Big Ideas) GradeBook Discrepancies between outcome and overall grade Term 2 Setting Grading Only An Outcome GradeBook Analysis Line Break Code Final Grade Verification
Survey Big Ideas
Purpose of Reporting Progress Communicates a summary of learning to students and parents Invites deeper, more helpful communication with parents to examine what has been learned, how well it has been learned, what remains to be learned and possible ways parents may assist in further learning
GradeBook Discrepancies
Another Standards Report
Term 2 Data Entry It is essential for teachers to ensure they are in Term 2 in their GradeBook because: Comments will not pull if teachers are not in the correct term Assignments will only appear in the date range of term 2
Choose Term 2 (T2)
Grading Only an Outcome
GradeBook Analysis
Line Break Code for Comments
Final Grade Verification
Final Grade Verification Report
Sample Grade 1 Grading Using Outcomes
Tuesday Tips for GradeBook Every Tuesday February 12 – March 5
Working With Outcomes Instruction is the strongest predictor of student achievement. Curriculum = assessment + instruction + content What does it mean to master an outcome?