By Luis Ramirez and O’Riley
Alpaca-Closest relative is the llama. Jaguarondi-small weasel-like wildcat with rounded ears. Blue Footed Booby-Females are bigger than males
Southern Chile is rich in forests and grazing land also features a string of volcanoes and lakes Copper is the most found mineral in Chile. The coast of Chile is a labyrinth of fjords,inlets, canals, twisting peninsulas and,Islands.
Isabelle Allende : written 20 books Daughter of Fortune (1999) City of Beasts (2002) Ariel Dorfman : written 30 books Widows (1983) Death and the Maiden(1991) Antonio Skarmeta: written 10 books Burning Patience (1987) The Insurrection (1988)
Most Chileans are Roman Catholic. Extended family are very close and frequently get together for celebrations. When Chileans go to each others home they take sweets or wine.
Magellan was the first European to come across chile when he crossed the now known as mgellan strait Chileans fought Spain for Independence They received there independence on February 12,1818
These are a few of the stone statues on Easter Island off the coast of Chile. Llaima is one of the biggest and most active volcanoes in Chile. Torres del Paine National park has a huge variety of animals and Plants is one of the biggest in the country.
Chile is a Republic Government. Have to be 18 to vote. They also have a president Right now there president is Sebastian Pinera Echenique (since March 11,2010) Today Chile is one S.America’s most prosperous and stable nation.
Santiago- 5.6 million Concepcion-861,000 Valpraiso-824,000
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