From animation to participation: (from Leader method to CLLD method) “The virtous combination of two decisional levels” F.A.R. Maremma S.c. a r.l. Red Española de Desarrollo Rural – CENCA (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid) -29/10/2015 1
2 From animation to participation: The Rural Development Programme (RDP) for of Tuscany Region has been approved on May 26th 2015 by the European Commission In Tuscany Region the Rural Development policies, included the LEADER/CLLD Axis, are now starting According to the RDP of Tuscany region the LEADER/CLLD Axis must start within 6 months from the approval of the RDP By next 26th of November Tuscany Region have to define the criteria and the call for proposal for the selection of Local Action Groups in Tuscany, together with their Local Development Strategies.
3 Landscape of Maremma
4 From animation to participation The Local Development Strategy must focus on three of the following themes of RDP : (“Tuscany Region menu”) - Development of renewable energy chain (production and sustainability) - Sustainable tourism - Restoring, preserving and enhancing the landscape, the soil usage and biodiversity - Enhancing and manage the environmental and naturals resources - Enhancing the cultural and artistic patrimony of rural areas - Promote the access to social services in rural areas - Promote social inclusion of marginal/disadvantage people - Urban restoring by the creation of services and spaces for the local communities - Creation of “smart communities” and “smart networks” - Other specific themes individuated by LAGs according to their Local Development Strategies.
5 Landscape of Maremma – typical “Maremmana” cows
6 From animation to participation The methodology used for the elaboration of LAG F.A.R. Maremma Local Development Strategy: FROM TO The methodology of rural animation used by the LAG during the past programming periods (Axis 4 Leader Method , Leader ) The new participatory methodology with the active involvement of local stakeholders and communities in the definition of the Local Development Strategy (LEADER/CLLD )
7 From animation to participation The new participatory methodology of LAG F.A.R. Maremma is based on the following main objectives: - Activate an innovative process in the implementation of rural development policies troughout a participatory methodology. - Create and enhance a new “governance practice” based on the active participation of local stakeholders to the rural development policies. - Develop and disseminate a new culture of “deliberative participation”, as a tool for social development of local communities. - Activate a new process of capacity building to learn the “deliberative participation” methodology. - Strength the competencies and skills of LAG staff in the “deliberative participation” methodology.
8 Castel del Piano – Panoramic view
9 From animation to participation The new participatory methodology with the active involvement of local stakeholders and communities in the definition of the Local Development Strategy (LEADER/CLLD ) The deliberative participation methodology: Local stakeholders (sometimes among themselves and sometimes with LAGs/Local Institutions) deliberate together, engage it practical reasoning, and scrutinize proposals and reasons in order to forge agreements on policies for the common good, ones which at least a majority can accept. Such deliberation includes scrutiny and formation of values, including the relative importance of various processes and opportunities.
10 Pitigliano – Panoramic view
11 From animation to participation The elaboration of Local Development Strategy of F.A.R Maremma, throughout the participatory process, is actually ongoing. The results already achieved during the process highlighted some important milestones that will be taken into consideration for the final elaboration of Local Development Strategy of F.A.R. Maremma, such as: Weakness pointStrengths point In the RDP there are few Actions/Measures addressed to Local Public Bodies (Municipalities, Union of Municipalities, etc…) in the cultural and social sector The main interest of our local stakeholder is focused on the Actions/Measures of cooperation (M16 of RDP) In the RDP there aren’t specific Actions/Measures addressed to SMEs in the complementary sectors of rural development (handicraft, commerce, tourism) We are also taking into consideration the activation of Integrated Territorial Plans, as a development instrument included in the RDP of Tuscany Region
12 Sovana – View of the Medieval square
13 From animation to participation We are actually waiting for the call for proposal for the selection of LAGs and their Local Development Strategy in Tuscany Region. We are still working on our participatory process and we will finish it during the timeline for the elaboration of our Local Development Strategy. We are waiting also for the regional procedures that will manage the implementation of LEADER/CLLD in Tuscany, to complete the framework that rules the activity of our LAG in programming period.
14 Thank you for your attention Catia Segnini F.A.R. Maremma S.c. a r.l.