21 st Century Skills for Education Leaders: How do we prepare our students for the new global economy? Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Teaching & Learning Celebration, WNET New York City March 8, 2008
Who is the Partnership and what is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? What should state leaders do? What should school administrators do? What should education leaders do to support 21st century skills? Overview
P21 Members
The Partnership is a catalyst to define and promote a powerful vision for: 21 st Century Citizens 21 st Century Workers 21 st Century Education Who is the Partnership?
20 th Century Education Model
21 st Century Skills Framework
Core Subjects -Economics -English -Government -Arts -History -Geography -Reading or Language -Arts -Mathematics -Science -World Languages -Civics 21 st Century Themes - Global Awareness - Financial, Economic, Business & Entrepreneurship Literacy - Civic Literacy - Health Literacy
Learning & Innovation Skills Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Communication & Collaboration 21 st Century Skills Framework
Information, Media & Technology Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT (Information, Communications & Technology) Literacy
21 st Century Skills Framework Life & Career Skills Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility
Learning & Innovation Skills Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Communication & Collaboration 21 st Century Skills Framework
How do I learn more about 21 st century skills? 21st Century Skills Framework
Who is the Partnership and what is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? What should state leaders do? What should school administrators do? What should education leaders do to support 21st century skills? Overview
There are three key leadership strategies to ensure that 21 st century knowledge and skills are a primary focus of teaching and learning: 1.Integration with key state initiatives 2.Creation of effective support systems 3.Advocacy What should state leaders do? Leading in the 21 st Century
Promote the integration of 21 st century skills, not as an additional reform initiative, but as an integrated effort that impacts all issues of education reform Including: What should state leaders do? Integration
Engaging students in learning Improving high schools Preparing students for college and career Improving technology access, use and competencies Improving student performance, closing achievement gaps and raising test scores What should state leaders do? Integration cont.
The integration of 21 st century knowledge and skills are indicated in NJ’s Strategic Plan: Preparing Global Thinkers, Workers and Leaders What should state leaders do? Integration cont.
These skills are illustrated through: Core Curriculum Content Standards revision process Revised State Assessment System New Educator development initiatives Professional development initiatives Career and Technical Education 5 year plan Secondary reform initiatives New district quality accountability system (NJ QSAC) What should state leaders do? Integration cont.
What should state leaders do? Support Systems This is not just about declaring an expectation. We need to support 21 st century learning and teaching.
What should state leaders do? Support Systems cont. We can support 21 st century learning and teaching through: Standards and assessments Professional development Teacher preparation programs Policies
What should state leaders do? Advocacy Work closely with stakeholders from the business community and higher education.
What should state leaders do? Advocacy Listen and engage community members to heighten awareness and garner support for what students will need to be successful.
What should state leaders do? Advocacy Showcase best practices in schools.
What should state leaders do? Advocacy Use partnership state network resources to strengthen implementation efforts and develop collaborative projects that support 21 st century learning and teaching.
Who is the Partnership and what is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? What should state leaders do? What should school administrators do? What should education leaders do to support 21st century skills? Overview
What should school administrators do? Keys to local district implementation
Superintendent Buy-in Administrative Leadership Buy-in Teacher Buy-in Board Buy-in What should school administrators do?
Superintendent Buy-in Daniel Pink’s “A Whole New Mind” Robert Sternberg’s “Assessing What Matters” CCSSO’s Summer Institute What should school administrators do?
Administrative Leadership Buy-in Share Partnership for 21 st Century Skills Web site Ken Kay’s presentation to Leadership Council Ken Kay’s discussion with subject area curriculum coordinators Integration of 21 st century skills into curriculum review cycle What should school administrators do?
Administrative Leadership Buy-in (cont.) School Improvement plan objectives School Improvement plan focus (2 our of 11 elementary schools) Include Partnership’s focus in Leadership Guide Include 21 st century skills as one of two foci for Leadership Professional Learning Plans What should school administrators do?
Teacher Buy-in Ken Kay’s presentation to all staff on Opening Day Catapult on interest already expressed by teachers Catapult on interest of IB teachers Catapult on interest of SEL teachers Catapult on interest of teacher power users of technology What should school administrators do?
Board Buy-in Share Ken Kay’s presentation on CD Incorporate 21 st Century Skills ideas in District Mission and Vision Statements Incorporate 21 st Century Skills into Areas of Focus – “Infuse 21 st Century knowledge and skills across all curricular and program areas” Budget items - Curriculum review cycle - Social/emotional learning - District technology plan What should school administrators do?
Who is the Partnership and what is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? What should state leaders do? What should school administrators do? What should education leaders do to support 21st century skills? Overview
1. Develop a “Partnership” Focused on 21 st Century Outcomes Develop a consensus among the key stakeholders on the 21 st century skills needed by your students. Be sure the business community is included. What should education leaders do?
2.Embed 21 st century skills into state standards for P-16 education. (e.g. West Virginia) What should education leaders do?
3. Embed 21 st century skills into professional development and teacher preparation for P-16 education. (e.g. West Virginia, Lawrence Township/Indianapolis, North Carolina) What should education leaders do?
4. Embed 21 st century skills into the assessments used in P-16 education. (e.g. North Carolina Science Assessment, new Tech High, CWRA, PISA.) What should education leaders do?
Are our students ready for the new global economy? Conclusion
Are our students critical thinkers and problem solvers? Are our students globally aware? Are our students self-directed? Are our students good collaborators?
Are our students information and technology literate? Are our students flexible and adaptable? Are our students innovative? Are our students effective communicators? Conclusion
These skills should become the “design specs” for 21 st century education in every district. Conclusion
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