The Agents of Transformation A.O.T. Team 8 NPLI 2015 Learning in 2040
Ice Breaker
High School of Transformation H.O.T. High Order Thinking
Definition of Innovation If it is not broken, break it and rebuild. Transform it as a community into a culture that empowers students to be engaged in higher order thinking, solutions-finding, and decision-making to ensure learning is effective and relevant.
Mission/Vision All students will be prepared to transform the world by being H.O.T. (Higher Order Thinkers).
Teaching & Learning Advances in research in science and technology have led to the alleviation of learning disability. Students and teachers will work collaboratively on curriculum design, selection, delivery, and format. Technology is embedded within our curriculum to extend learning beyond the classroom. To use technology to make learning exciting, innovative and relevant.
Organization H.O.T. creates brilliant minds and organizations by being student centered. Our school will have space available for students to collaborate with each other and teachers. Flexible day/year Schools will be equity resourced to accomplish the mission.
Accountability Students will demonstrate mastery of objectives within each given path. Students will be given authentic assessments that are ongoing throughout the pathway to ensure understanding of objectives. Students, teachers and administrators will be held accountable to a set of standards determined by all stakeholders including board of directors and experts within each given field.
Culture The H.O.T. Code of Conduct is based on the belief that all students are created equal regardless of race, religion, color, creed and/or sexual orientation where… Environment is one of acceptance; Cultural awareness and competency ensures the physical, social, and emotional safety of all students; Opportunities to celebrate diversity and creativity; Blended relationships that are fostered by the integration of technology and personal interactions.
Leadership and Decision Making The leadership model that is used at H.O.T. is comprised of three (3) components: Autocratic Consultant Group
Family and Community Engagement Parents and community are valued partners in student success. Parent and community Welcome Center is available to address the needs of the community. The H.O.T. communication network will keep the school community informed. Communication using modern technology. Parent Broadcast System Parent Portal Parent surveys; Parent Meeting (Skype, Face-Time, Social Media, Face-to-Face, Town Hall Meeting.
Questions, Comments, Observations