Policy on Career Advising Carolyn George, January 2015
Career Connections Links Learning to Careers
components to the policy The goal is to give K-12 students opportunities to: 1)Become more aware of career opportunities; 2)Learn of their interests, talents and abilities; 3)Explore careers; 4)And make academic and career plans for their future.
1 Career Connections Learning Strategies Ohio Standards require teachers to make real world connections for students Career Connections help to link what students are learning with specific careers
Aligns with Two Systems Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Rubric Ohio School Counselor Association’s Evaluation System
2 Career Advising for Students in Grades 6-12 Results of teacher survey will result in a district spreadsheet of classroom- and school-based career advising for our students
Examples : Career Interest Inventory Researching a Specific Career Writing Resumes Career Fair/Day Internships
3 Interventions for Students At-Risk of Dropping Out Start assessing risk as young as 6 th grade.
Early Warning System Includes data indicators 3 Risk Factors (ABCs) Assessed Each Quarter: 1)Attendance 2)Behavior 3)Coursework (Grades)
Student Success Plan Follows a student until high school graduation Reviewed each year. Case manager is school counselor.
4 Career Pathways Train appropriate staff to use and help students use online tools, such as OhioMeansJobs and Naviance.
Tools to cover career interests and education options
5 Pathways to Earn a High School Diploma Beginning with class of 2018, students will earn 21 credits and have the option to pick one of the following pathways for earning a high school diploma: 1)Earn 18 points on End of Course Exams, or 2)College readiness score on national test, or 3)In-demand industry credential and passing score on WorkKeys
Start learning about these options in the middle grades Inform goals and planning
6 Credit Flexibility – Academic and Career Tech -Academic Credit -Credit Flex -Integrated Courses
More time in schedule Relevancy Integrated Courses Experiential opportunities
7 Documentation -Evidence of services provided to students Ohio Means Jobs K-12 Backpack or Naviance -can be viewed by student and student’s parent or guardian -include activities, services, conversations, etc. that support the student’s academic, career and social/emotional development
8 Successful Postsecondary Transitions ODE Definition: Acceptance to and enrollment in a postsecondary education or training program at an institution of higher education, without remediation.
Interventions for students in need of remediation -Mathematics and English language arts -May include enhancing existing supports and expanding resource options
Connect with Us education.ohio.gov/CareerConnections