Unit 13 Albert Einstein Lesson 49
Lead-in 1) Where did you spend your winter vocation? 2) How was your family get-together on the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year? 3) What’s the most special dish for your family get-together? 4) Did you sit up to wait for the Lunar New Year’s arrival? 5) How much lucky money have you got from your parents and relatives? What are you going to do with it? 6) Which was the nicest part of your vocation?
Name some of the famous scientists at home and abroad. Foreign scientists? Chinese scientists?
NewtonGalileo Copernicus Curie Bell Edison Foreign scientists Foreign scientists
祖冲之 沈括 李时珍 李四光王 选王 选 扬振宁 Chinese scientists Chinese scientists
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein
Listen and answer : 1. Who are the four famous people in the dialogue ? 3. What else do you know about Albert Einstein? 3. What else do you know about Albert Einstein? Lincoln, Marx. Bell. Einstein Lincoln, Marx. Bell. Einstein A famous professor of physics. He created the theory of relativity. He lived in the 20 century, was born in Germany and spent the last part of his life in the USA. A famous professor of physics. He created the theory of relativity. He lived in the 20 century, was born in Germany and spent the last part of his life in the USA. 2. What are they? Lincoln: a president of the USA Lincoln: a president of the USA Marx: a great communist Marx: a great communist Bell: the inventor of the telephone Bell: the inventor of the telephone Einstein: a famous professor of physics Einstein: a famous professor of physics
Watch the video and pay attention to the expressions that they may use to guess who a person is. a. Is it …? b. No, it’s not him /her. c. Is he /she …? d. Who is he / she? e. What did he / she do? f. It must be him /her… Practice the dialog
Game: guess the Name of a Scientist 1) The game is played in groups of four. A can be the first to think of a famous scientist; others try to guess who he /she is. 2) Questions should be asked skillfully. A answers only either “Yes” or “No”. Questions and answers will go on until one of the group guesses the name correctly with fewest guesses the name correctly with fewest questions. The winner takes the place of A.
Dialog production Here are some famous people’s names for reference: William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton,Winston Churchill, George Washington, Henry Fort, John Denver, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, Qu Yuan, Confucius, Zu Chongzhi, Mao Zedong, Li Siguang, Chen Jingrun, Nie Weiping, Deng Yaping, etc.
Write a short passage about a famous person and then read aloud to the whole class. Have the students who he /she is after listening. Model: The man was great Chinese educator. He was born thousands of years ago. He taught all his Life and had many good students all over the Country. It’s said that of all his students seventy- two were the best. His thoughts about education were so advanced that people nowadays are still Referring to them. It is Confucius (Kong Zi)
Lesson What scientific work was Einstein famous for? He was famous for scientific research /new discoveries in physics – the Theory of Relativity. 2. Where did he spend the last part of his life? At a university (Princeton) in the USA. Listen and answer:
Read the text again and then fill up the form Read the text again and then fill up the form
Einstein’s theory of relativity Einstein’s theory of relativity
What does “E = mc²” mean?
T ell if the following sentences are true (√) or false (х). 1. Einstein proved that light traveled through space in a straight line. 2. Einstein's discovery was completely new at that time. 3. Many of the scientists did not accept Einstein's scientific ideas at first. 4. Einstein had to stop his research because he couldn't prove his ideas. 5. By 1919 he quickly became world-famous because the scientists who had been watching the stars supported his work. 6. He took Swiss nationality in 1909 in order to study there. 7. He hated war and he thought fighting and killing in wars was wrong. 8. Germany was ruled by Hitler during the First World War. 9. Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA in 1933 because he was afraid of being killed in the war. х √ √ х √ х √ х х